.45 A.C.P. seating depth in Blackhawk

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Dec 19, 2007
North Texas
Hi Folks, I recently loaded up some .45 acp ammo w/200 grn. LSWC Lasercast bullets. They shoot well in my Colt auto, but will not seat in my Blackhawk .45 acp cylinder. They stick out the back of the cylinder & would bind up the gun. I took one of the cartridges & began seating the bullet deeper until it would seat well in the cylinder. My question: When I got the cartridge where I needed it there was hardly any of the bullet shoulder above the case rim, is this bullet seated too deep? Will the pressures be too high? I have'nt had this problem using 230 grn FMJ's. I am using W231 starting loads w/a Lee crimp,Thanks for any help-Dave
What is the bullet diameter? Make sure you are not using something for a .45 Colt, like a .454 bullet. Also you might want to measure the chamber throats or try to push one of your bullets through to see if they will pass.

It could also be that you are not taper crimping enough. And check to see that the chamber mouths are clean.

Just a few thoughts, hope it helps.
What was your overall length BEFORE you seated the bullet deeper? I load all my 45ACP's to 1.250", that way they fit into the magazines regardless of the nose prfile. Not all 1911 magazines are created equal....... :wink:
I reload for a Ruger 357/9mm convertible not having the same problems you are in the 45 ACP with the 9mm side on my BH. Since the 45 like the 9mm head spaces on the case mount in the cylinder instead of using moon clips.

Using and oversized SWC cast bullet that extending past the case mouth is probably causing your problem and or some of the Ruger 45's have been know to have very tight cylinder throats if there is any full-diameter bullet extending beyond the case mouth it simply won't chamber correctly.

I shoot the 125 gr. cast SWC in the 9mm chamber the with the bullet seated flush to the case mouth have no problems with pressure. Here are a couple of links that might be of interest.


I've got the exact same problem with my brand new blackhawk. the 45acp cylinder has the same tight throats. the shoulder of the bullet has to be able to slide into the throat for the case to head space. that is just the way ACP works. bullets without a shoulder will work fine. except my throats are super ruff. and it leads.

I had a buddy barrow his dads blackhawk convertible, which is probably 10 years old. and the cylinder was the same. they need to be reamed.

azleite":1125b9di said:
Hi Folks, I recently loaded up some .45 acp ammo w/200 grn. LSWC Lasercast bullets. They shoot well in my Colt auto, but will not seat in my Blackhawk .45 acp cylinder. They stick out the back of the cylinder & would bind up the gun. I took one of the cartridges & began seating the bullet deeper until it would seat well in the cylinder. My question: When I got the cartridge where I needed it there was hardly any of the bullet shoulder above the case rim, is this bullet seated too deep? Will the pressures be too high? I have'nt had this problem using 230 grn FMJ's. I am using W231 starting loads w/a Lee crimp,Thanks for any help-Dave
I have a question, and the answer might be obvious to some of you, but isn't reaming out the cylinder mouths of a convertable Blackhawk's .45ACP cylinder kinda touchy? I mean, .45ACPs still headspace on the case mouths, even in a convertable Blackhawk, don't they? It seems like if a person reamed out the cylinder they'd stand a chance of removing the lips, or whatever it is in each chamber that the .45ACP cartridges need for headspacing. Or am I all wet? :?:
I'm just curious. I don't own a convertable Blackhawk myself.
Sharp Shooter":15zjt2lq said:
I have a question, and the answer might be obvious to some of you, but isn't reaming out the cylinder mouths of a convertable Blackhawk's .45ACP cylinder kinda touchy? I mean, .45ACPs still headspace on the case mouths, even in a convertable Blackhawk, don't they? It seems like if a person reamed out the cylinder they'd stand a chance of removing the lips, or whatever it is in each chamber that the .45ACP cartridges need for headspacing. Or am I all wet? :?:
I'm just curious. I don't own a convertable Blackhawk myself.

the lip that the case head spaces off is the lip between the chamber and the throat. the throat should be close to the same diameter as the bullet.
Sharp Shooter":2chhgfgf said:
I have a question, and the answer might be obvious to some of you, but isn't reaming out the cylinder mouths of a convertable Blackhawk's .45ACP cylinder kinda touchy? I mean, .45ACPs still headspace on the case mouths, even in a convertable Blackhawk, don't they? It seems like if a person reamed out the cylinder they'd stand a chance of removing the lips, or whatever it is in each chamber that the .45ACP cartridges need for headspacing. Or am I all wet? :?:
I'm just curious. I don't own a convertable Blackhawk myself.

Click here. It's the first answer in the FAQ.
Thanks folks. :D
I was just wondering about it. I'm sure if cylindersmith says there's enough shoulder left for proper headspacing after reaming a .45ACP cylinder, you can take it as gospel. Cylindersmith reamed 2 .45 Colt cylinders for me a couple of years ago, and I was well pleased. He's reasonably priced, prompt, and his work is excellent. I guess you all know he's a member of this forum too.
I recently came into a new Ruger SS Bisley .45 Colt Convertible.

It was necessary to ream both cylinders as they were both undersized.

After reaming (used Manson reamer kit complete with floating pilots that reamed to .4525"). Both cylinders now work perfectly. Here's a group I shot indoors at fifty feet while sighting it in (it now shoots center):


This gun NOW is a shooting machine!

I would like to point out that this target was shot with the .45 ACP cylinder with a 200 gr SWC seated normally for use in my 1911 (target load of 4.0 grs of Bullseye or equivalent behind an H&G #130 SWC). Before the cylinders were properly reamed, you could NOT chamber the .45 ACP loads. Afterwards, there is NO problem. The "chamber step" that the .45 ACP case headspaces against is still there and working properly. It only took .0025" from the diameter of the cylinder throats to make all of this possible. Dale53


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