45-300, interesting load

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Dec 17, 2000
Just found one very interesting load, listed for 45 LC, with 300 gr Speer SP jacketed bullet and with AA No 9: http://www.accuratearms.com/loaddata_caliber_handgun_standard_45cal.htm , go to 45 Colt 30 Cup
The top load is 18.8 gr, and velocity 1264 fps at 29,200 CUP. But, the one that intrigued me is starting load 16.9 gr and (calculated) velocity 1138 fps. I would guess that the pressure is in low 20 ksi range. Anybody has QuickLoad to calculate the pressure with 16.9 gr of AA No 9?
Despite just bit more than 1100 fps, this one is still powerful load, but with pressure slightly above top load for 45 ACP. The result should be lower muzzle blast and recoil than most other heavy loads with 300 gr bullets for 45 LC, especially in 44 Magnum. I would say that this could be a very useful load in a backup revolver where the shooter wouldn't suffer from ear shattering muzzle blast, when there is no time to put ear muffs.
Weshoot, did you try something similar?
Thanks, Onty.
I appreciate the "scientific" approach to reloading, however, in my experience, each gun is its' own entity and requires load development.

IHMO, a 300 grain bullet at over 1100 fps is not going to be a pussycat and will, in fact, generate some "fire and brimstone"!

I use SR4759 powder to generate very similar loads and they are definitely less "violent" than the "full house" loads with WW296, but are still noticeably powerful on both ends of the Blackhawk revolver.

Of course some folks think full house .454 loads are pussycats.........


PS Oh, and, let us hear about your results!
Thanks Flatgate. Well, apart from "scientific" approach I always had a keen interest in a practical one as an ultimate verification of everything calculated on paper or computer. I like the idea of using single base powders in handguns, especially revolvers. In that respect, SR4759 powder is very interesting one. Any chance that you could share some of your favourite "receipts" with us? BTW, since this powder has a coarse grain, how well it works through powder measure, RCBS in particular? Thanks, Onty.
I have found AA9 'light loads' in 45 Colt to be less than stellar.

Power Pistol / 3N37 / HS6.....


"all my ammo is mostly-retired factory ammo"
It meters good enough. SR4759 likes a "tight" boiler, as does the higher pressure "Ball Powders" that produce higher velocities.

So, a case filled up just about to the base of your favorite bullet in it's seated position is what I call a "tight" boiler.
Subtract one grain for your starting load.

I'm in no way suggesting this load is safe in YOUR gun, though. Do what I did, read every loading manual you can get your hands on, every article about loading the .44 mag., every article about "heavy for calibre" bullets, every article about bullet length vs. stability, etc. etc. and, as I did, and make up your own mind about what is right for your needs.

PS Here's a .44 with the exact load we're discussing!

Yes, I crimp the heck out of those loads. No bullet pulling trouble allowed!
"Yes, I crimp the heck out of those loads. No bullet pulling trouble allowed"

Me too and I have my expander plugs turned down so that they are .004" - .007" (depending upon caliber) smaller than bullet diameter.

By the way, if your are experimenting give Lil'Gun a try. Works well for me from fairly stout to real thumpers.
I like aa9 at that level 18 grains and 300 is a very good load. My favorite 300 load for the 45s is and allways will be 20 grains of h4227 used with a 300 rcbs swcgc. Ive never seen a 45 that didnt like that load. Ive fooled alot with 110/296 and lilgun but theyve never given me the accuracy i wanted unless I really stood on the load. aa9 has done a little better but still not as good as 4227. 2400 is another powder worth trying at those levels.
I really like using IMR-4227 with a 300gr Sierra JSP. 20.0gr is a nice accurate load and maxing at 22.5gr is still accurate with only a little more recoil. The 300gr Hornady XTP shoots well with it too. I have not tried IMR 4227 with cast bullets yet as I got a great deal at the outlet sales counter at the Sierra plant in Sedalia Missouri a couple years back and bought a big box of 300 gr sportsmaster JSP's. So I really have not had any reason to be buying any more bullets for awhile now.
Recently I bought some Grizzly 300gr JSP loads from Midway and compared them to the 300gr CorBon that I had hunted with for a long time. The Grizzly loads accuracy and recoil reminded me and the burnt powder smelled just like the 22.5gr IMR-4227 handloads I had been shooting.
I load a hand cast 320 gr. with a healthy dose of 4227 that gives me 1340 fps on my chronograph out of my 4 5/8 blackhawk. Plenty stiff load and very accurate. Forgive me reviving this old thread but it still has a lot of good info.
flatgate":ft4n4f5d said:
I'm afraid of Lil' Gun. Freedom Arms suggests it may cause undue throat erosion so I've not experimented with Lil' Gun.


I've just about finished the first two pounds of the stuff so maybe I should take some time and clean my revolver well enough to see if there's any trouble. When I read the thread about the erosion, I read it as firing the hell out of the revolver will heat up the metal enough to start to matter. I never shoot that many; that fast so I've yet to worry. I'm still thinking about picking up a pound of H110 to see what all the hype is about. I'm going to guess that shooting light-for-caliber bullets will enhance the effect.

The only trouble that I've had with Lil-Gun is lighter loads and standard primers. The load was the published starting load for a 250 gr LRNFP with a WLP primer in the 45 Colt. Some of the loads had a hang fire, another pushed the bullet partially into the forcing cone and jammed up the cylinder. I now start at one grain below the max listed and work up.
FWIW, a Speer "Ruger Only" load lists 22.5 grs of SR4759 behind their .451" 300 gr "J-word" bullet as max at 1029 fps....(WW case, CCI-300) They are using 25K CUP as their pressure ceiling....(Start load 20.3 @ 825 fps) I really like 4759, it's my "go to" powder when the W296 runs low... :wink: As to LilGun, I stay away too. I tried it in .357 and .44 mag but couldn't match claimed velocities, had wildly varying SD/ES, and got some sticky cases. That scared me off...Then I heard about the FC issues....No thanks! :?
Do a search for John Linebaugh. he has pressue tested data for Ruger revolvers that is well aboveany loading manals. Interesting stuff.


There. I did it for you. You'll have to look through the site but the data is there. It is legitimate pressure tested data. I've done one of his 300 gr. bullet loads through a 5.5 Ruger Bisley and yes, they are stout.
Paul B.
Paul B":fzi9rhse said:
Do a search for John Linebaugh. he has pressue tested data for Ruger revolvers that is well aboveany loading manals. Interesting stuff.


There. I did it for you. You'll have to look through the site but the data is there. It is legitimate pressure tested data. I've done one of his 300 gr. bullet loads through a 5.5 Ruger Bisley and yes, they are stout.
Paul B.

Yep, and his velocity figures using W296 are spot on too. Just be sure to use new cases, only load a few times, and only size as much of the case as needed for a good grip on the bullet. You WILL bulge cases in a .45 BH's oversize chambers.....My regimen is 3 loads of Linebaugh with a new (then partially resized) WW case, then they are used for less "strenuous" loads... :wink: Happy stump thumping! :)

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