s4s4u said:Having a 480R Super Redhawk and a 45 Colt Bisley, I can say for certainty that the Super Redhawk with the Hogue Tamer grip is the easier shooting of the two with max loads, even though the SRH is throwing a 75 grain heavier bullet. The SA trigger of the SRH is as good, if not better than the Bisley. On the basis of size and weight the Bisley wins out, but I actually shoot better with the SRH.
Have to agree ... Had two SRHs, one ,a 44 with a 9 1/2 incher and the other a 454 with the 7 1/2 barrel. Ended up selling both , now have a Bisley Hunter. No question the SRHs with tamer grips were easier on the hands .. least IMO. If I had it to do over ... I probably opt for the SRH 44 with a 7 1/2 barrel. Also I like having the weight ( scope & rings ) back over the cylinder rather than on the barrel ( weight forward )...thats just me though.
regards , brushunter