.44 Mag for SBH and Trapper

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Sep 24, 2008
San Diego, CA
I've been using the standard 240gr SP or HP with Win296 for these two but wanted to try something different.

Does anyone have a favorite load that works well in both the SBH and a Win. 94 Trapper?

I don't know about both, but a 240 gr Hornady XTP on top of a maximum recommended dose of Lil'Gun sure does light the fire in a 7.5" barrel Super. According to Hodgdon, Lil'Gun is the quickest burning of the four magnum pistol powders: Lil'Gun, H110, W296, IMR-4227, and H4227. With Hodgdon picking up IMR and Winchester Powders, they've merged a few powders to reduce redundancy. H110 and W296 were always thought to be the same and we're told that they are now. H4227 was dropped in favor of IMR-4227 which is also a favorite of mine in 45 Colt.
pvtschultz":307ufjxv said:
I don't know about both, but a 240 gr Hornady XTP on top of a maximum recommended dose of Lil'Gun sure does light the fire in a 7.5" barrel Super.

I've wanted to try that but have heard about Lil'Gun heating up the barrel and causing excess wear. I'm not a speed shot by any means but do enjoy long days at the range, have you noticed any additional wear from that load that would be beyond H110/W296?

I've noticed no wear, but I really don't pay that much attention and usually only shoot a cylinder at a time before I move to the next rifle/pistol at the range.
My load is a 200gr Nosler HP or HornadyHP over 29gr H-110 and a mag primer. It is a hot load but very accurate and works great on deer/squirrels/black bear and such.
Hey Thanks!! I'll try both of those out, I've got the 200gr Noslers and 240 XTPs and some H110, I just need to pick up some Lil'Gun. I've only ever tried the 200gr Noslers with 2400, so this should be a fun weekend! :D
I like AA#9 in the 44mag. 19.8gr and a jacketed 240gr bullet. I use a win WLP primer and Federal brass. AA#9 meters well, is very versatile, and makes some nice reduced loads too. :D


edit to add: 18.0gr is a little off max and 15.0gr with a heavy crimp will still burn completely and give a big boom but much less recoil.

Thanks Jimbo, I've always liked your loads in the past! It would be nice to have a load that doesn't knock my son's arm off too.
steelheadnw":141vphxm said:
19- 20 grains of 2400, WLP, 240 XTP.
Ahhh... that is a great load, I forgot about that one. I had to go to my notebook for that one, a long time back I went from 18 to 21 grains in itty bitty increments and my 7.5 SBH had a real sweet spot around 20.5gr. I loaded up a box, sighted them in and tucked it away in my "hunting box" for a sunny day. I'll have to load up some more and try them out in the trapper. 8)
steelheadnw":38h0sxuz said:
19- 20 grains of 2400, WLP, 240 XTP. works pretty well in both my SBH 4-5/8, and my Marlin 20" 1894.

That is a good load in my SBH & RH.
Divernhunter":r273pw6g said:
My load is a 200gr Nosler HP or HornadyHP over 29gr H-110 and a mag primer. It is a hot load but very accurate ...
Got to try out a bunch this afternoon. Gotta say, this is what I was looking for, thanks!! Those trappers have r e a l l y s l o w twists and the groups really tightened up around max loads with those 200gr Noslers and they worked great in the SBH too.

Couldn't find any Lil'Gun around, have to try those latter. The 2400 loads were nice, but just lacked the zip to get the good groups in the trapper.

Thanks again all, it was a great afternoon!!
16 grains of Blue Dot under a hardcast 240 grain SWC has always been a sweet load for me in a 4-5/8" SBH and a 4" S&W 629-2.

That's a max charge in the Lyman 49th manual.
Ruber":3ca5wkb3 said:
Thanks Jimbo, I've always liked your loads in the past! It would be nice to have a load that doesn't knock my son's arm off too.

You need some good Cast Bullets and some TRAIL BOSS or Titegroup...
Divernhunter":9qk6kar5 said:
My load is a 200gr Nosler HP or HornadyHP over 29gr H-110 and a mag primer. It is a hot load but very accurate and works great on deer/squirrels/black bear and such.

Hmmmm.... I use that same bullet (Nosler 200 grain SJHP), in my SBH Hunter, but my manuals tell me that 28.5 grains is the MAX. I use a bit less than that, since I get super accuracy with my load, so haven't gone for the max. Mine clock right at 1500 fps.

Sounds like 29 grains is pushing things a bit, isn't it???

Yes, my load also works great on deer. I don't think there would be much left of a squirrel hit with it tho!!! It absolutely explodes a gallon milk jug!
my favorite all around load is 7.5 of unique under a 240gr swc. not a power house but it gets the job done and is very accurate.

reddot with 6.5 does about the same thing. but i dont know that it is good in a lever or not.
Thanks all for the replies.

I've seen some folks mention SWCs in the thread. I thought I'd throw in the caveat that the SWCs are not conpletely reliable in the tube fed trapper for those who might be interested in these. Most I've used only hiccup about 1 in 20, fine for plinking, but nothing I'd bet on.
no, this is a highvolume cheap load that i find covers most situations, but as far as a backwoods SD load or hunting, no i wouldnt use it.
didnt specify what you wanted to use it for so i assumed range load. my bad.

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