RAR is offering 170 jacketed, 210 SWC, and 230 Keith style. I'm very encoraged by that!!
I think that a rise in interest in the .41spl will boost the .41mag The .41's don't suffer from the XTreem variance in groove diameters That plague the 44s & 45s groove diameter is .410. There are no 50 year old, weak, badly designed, firearms with suspect metallurgy to worry about. SAAMI specs should be set at 18k to 20k psi with +P at 22k or 23k. mid frame guns could be chambered (S&W L, Colt King Cobra, Ruger GP100,) All standard SA designs, Small Ruger, Colt SA, Uberti, USFA. At this length It can easily be chambered in all the short throw lever rifles and use Keith type boolits, as well as jacketed. The .41 special could fill the void left by the decline of the 38-40, all in a straight walled easily reloaded, case. It makes me sad to think that the (Arms Industry) and (Ammo Manufacturers) could care less, They had the same attitude about the 25-06, but the people won that one. Help me, Rocky Rabb, Lloyd Smalley, Etc. Lets have a pep rally. I will donate 100 rnds of Starline .41 special brass to anyone who has a dedicated .41 special built. Send me a copy of your envoice from a custom pistolsmith dated after 06-10=09 for converting a hand gun to .41spl. I'll pay the postage.