416 Ruger?

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Aug 31, 2006
Hello all, just picked up the 2010 Ruger catalog and while flipping through it the 416 Ruger in the Alaskan model just jumped right out at me and said "buy me"! Do any of you guys have one? What do you think? It almost seems to good to be true, Rigby ballistics from such a small platform. Next question would be hows the recoil in such a small pkg? I shoot a 375 H&H comfortably and have fired 416 Rigby's in the past. Any info is appreciated.
If you buy it for what it's intended to be used for, is recoil such a factor?
It is a very interesting cartridge though. Check youtube for videos.
As to recoil, if the 416Ruger is on par w/ the 416Rigby ballistics wise and the weight of the Ruger is somewhat less, recoil will be greater. Stock design, shape, etc. can offset some of the felt recoil, but I would think the measureable amount of recoil would be greater than a heavier rifle of equal performance. One could always put some balance weight in the buttstock to offset the sharpness of recoil. There are formulas on the web that will calcualte for you the recoil if you want to know a factual comparison. I can't say just where, but a search would bring them up for you I think. As pointed out though, recoil while hunting is not really a concern, but I understand it would be nice to be able to shoot the thing to sight it in and become familiar w/ the rifle/sights, etc. From all I have read, the caliber is a good one and does not have the extreme pressures reportedly generated by the 416 Remnington Magnum nor requires a magnum length action. Believe Ruger is on the right path here w/ both the 375Ruger and the 416Ruger.
BlkHawk73":j1b8xamg said:
If you buy it for what it's intended to be used for, is recoil such a factor?
It is a very interesting cartridge though. Check youtube for videos.

Sorry but my chances at getting to Africa or Alaska are very slim, I just like big rifles. So yes recoil is a factor to a point, like stated above for getting use to the new rifle and load development. I also think they are on the correct path getting this kind of performance from such a small pkg.
I also shoot a 375 H&H and a friend has a 375 Alaskan. To me the Alaskan hits harder and faster in recoil. My first shot w/ a 416 Alaskan would not be off the bench!
The 416 RUGER shown here with 577 Nitro Express and a 30-06


Headstamp of a BELL 416 RUGER - rumor has it that 60 rounds were made up as prototype. If anyone can shed more light on this please let me know!

I thought the Rugers were 30/06 length cases? In the above pic it appears to be similar in length to a Rigby?? And thanks for that observation Silent Sam, that's kind of what I was getting at with the recoil questions, just couldn't figure out how to word it. That's what I love about the 375 H&H it's just a push, not a jab.
trouble":2aahd3n1 said:
Hello all, just picked up the 2010 Ruger catalog and while flipping through it the 416 Ruger in the Alaskan model just jumped right out at me and said "buy me"! Do any of you guys have one? What do you think? It almost seems to good to be true, Rigby ballistics from such a small platform. Next question would be hows the recoil in such a small pkg? I shoot a 375 H&H comfortably and have fired 416 Rigby's in the past. Any info is appreciated.

Haven't shot a 416 Ruger, but I've made up my African Haweye into a 404-375 Ruger wildcat I've developed which shoots the 0.423" 400 grain bullets at about 2350 fps. This is comparable to the 416 Ruger's ballistics, so recoil is the same. The recoil of the 404 Ruger is about 60 ft-lbs in the original weight rifle, so it is considerably more than both my African as a 375 Ruger and of my 375 Alaskan. I have added weight to my rifle and have found it shoots most comfortably at 9.5-10 lbs, which is the traditional weight of mediums in the 416 Rigby to 404 Jeffery category. BTW, the African stock split after 16 shots of 404 recoil and is now undergoing repair. For big bears, thick country elk and African game up to Cape buffalo, with the ocassional elephant thrown into the mix, 400 grain bullets (either .416" or .423") at 2350-2400 fps are just the ticket. They put them down cold. :D
When I shot my friends 375 Alaskan the word "push" was not part of the description. My guess to my impression of the same rifle in 416 would probably include the word fierce along with some others I won't include here. I don't know how the case capacity compares with the other 416's but I imagine the 416 Ruger is operating at modern (read high) pressures especially compared to the Rigby.
I shoot a 9 1/2# 416 Rigby and I do not believe I would want it any lighter and I know no heavier. I believe the same can be said for the 416 Ruger and Remington.
I bought one this year in hopes that I'd get to use it in Australia for buffalo. So far everyone who's shot it has said..."Wow, I thought it would be worse." The stock design (although considered ugly by some) is very comfortable (for me and the people who have shot MINE) and grippy. I won't even hesitate to shoot this gun from the bench or prone (Unlike my 458 Lott with 500gr. loads) I do need a taller rear V-notch rear sight though (or shorter front sight). It's shooting about 2" low from bags at 50yds. I don't think I'm going to scope this rifle.

The picture of the cartridge above is the early 416 Ruger prototype cartridge and not the final design. The standardized cartridge is shorter than the one posted above.

See link...


If I get a chance tomorrow, I'll take some photo's of the rifle and cartridges. I had ROBAR do their "Blackening" process (Not the shiney Roguard) to the stainless and it turned out great!!!

I like mine and I think with Barnes 300gr TSX bullets, it would be VERY comfortable to shoot and good for anything in the lower 48. I know one well recognized hunter who thinks the 416 Ruger with 350gr TSX's would be perfect for the big bears in Alaska. I'm also looking at the 350gr Swift A-Frames as well (In case the TSX's won't group well).

Get one!!! If you shoot the 375 comfortably, this one will be no problem for you...besides....recoil is 90% mental when proper technique is used. :wink:
the middle cartridge looks an awful lot like a .416 Rigby to me.

Ive got a 77RSM in .416 Rigby and I tell you, it is a hefty shove and not a whack from factory level loads. Loaded hot, its a realy thumper and since the .416 Ruger ammo is loaded to a higher pressure than the Rigby just to match Rigby performance, Im not sold on it.

Trouble, If you want it man, I say go for it. :D
I'm still thinking about it, I would like one heavier than 375 and the price is right and so is the size. Everything else is way more expensive that I'm thinking of, I'll get some pics when I make my choice.
Stump Buster":136obbae said:
I do need a taller rear V-notch rear sight though (or shorter front sight). It's shooting about 2" low from bags at 50yds. I don't think I'm going to scope this rifle.

Had the same problem after I re-bored and re-chambered my 375 African to 404 Ruger. Replaced the front sight with a lower NECG white bead. It needed minimal filing to fit the width and cutting a bit off the front of the base to fit the sight slot flush. Cold blued to match and it's an easy fix. The rear V works so well for me I didn't want to replace it.
Just purchased a #1 Tropical in.416 Ruger, weighs in at 9#.I too like BIG bores. ( sic. Alaska Backpacker IV w/ 2.5 in barrel.) This might be an alternative to the Alaskan if you can live with the one shot.
OldRugerMan said:

Headstamp of a BELL 416 RUGER - rumor has it that 60 rounds were made up as prototype. If anyone can shed more light on this please let me know!

Here's what I have on that early .416 Ruger ammo, and the gun that went with it....

Ruger Commemorative Number 1 rifle in .416 Ruger caliber (a .404 Jeffery case necked to .416 Improved). Project originally begun in July 1997. One gun was specially embellished with the portraits (engraved by Thierry Duguet) and signatures of William Batterman Ruger and Alexander McCormick Sturm as a unique commemorative of Ruger's 50th Anniversary in 1999. S/N "WBR AMS 1". The barrel is marked "Cal. .416 W. B. RUGER". The balance of the receiver features gold inlays in floral and Bolino styles. The rifle has a safari-grade walnut stock from Fajen. 110 rounds of soft and solid .416 RUGER (the designation appears on the headstamp) ammunition produced by MAST Technology, Inc. with 100 going with the rifle at auction and the balance being turned into special key chains for officers of the Ruger company. Ammunition accessories include custom loading dies from Hodgdon Powder Co., Inc., chamber reamers from JGS Precision Tool Mfg., a set of "go" and "no-go" gauges and a nylon check gauge. With the rifle came a custom hand-forged knife from bladesmith Bill Moran, a premier edition of "Master of the Forge" from Knife World Publications, a leather-bound copy of "Ruger & His Guns" by R. L. Wilson and a 1.5 x 4.5x scope and 8 x 30 binoculars from Swarovski Optik North America, Ltd. The presentation case is a custom French fitting with cape buffalo binding and cherry wood frame and trim. Accessories include two London pattern turnscrews, cleaning rod, dust mop, oil bottle, striker point and a mail canvas outer cover with leather corners and piping. The rifle was sold at Butterfield and Butterfield's November 1999 Arms and Armor Auction for the benefit of the NRA National Firearms Foundation.

It sounds like there were at least 110 rounds made.
I'd like to know what the gun sold for at Butterfield's auction, if anybody can help with that.
Here's my 416 Ruger Alaskan with a Nikon Omega 3x9 scope which has a constant 6" of eye relief - even when set a 9x. This round hits hard at long range and shoots flat. It's a real gem. 8)
