Jeff H
I recently picked up some 158 grain LSWC .358 with the intent of loading them in the pile of 38spec brass and maybe the 357 if they don't lead the barrel of my guns (using Bullseye powder).
Question: Being new to this whole reloading thing, I noticed these LSWC have a crimping groove on the bullet. So if I happen to find contradictory info in all the reloading info I have, should I stick with published OAL or seat the bullet to the crimping groove regardless of the actual OAL?
Question: Being new to this whole reloading thing, I noticed these LSWC have a crimping groove on the bullet. So if I happen to find contradictory info in all the reloading info I have, should I stick with published OAL or seat the bullet to the crimping groove regardless of the actual OAL?