357mag bolt-action rifle

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Feb 22, 2007
So. Florida
357mag bolt-action rifle. I can't help thinking I would like one. Has anybody made one? Seems like it would be a good sport target and small game rifle, easy to reload for and fun to shoot. Sure I know, levergun, I got one, and well it's just not that accurate and we all know bolt guns are simpler and more accurate. What do you think? :D

Better yet, make it a .357 max! :) I've actually toyed with the idea of seeing if my 77/44 could be changed to a .77/41 just to be different.
While I have a lever as well as a single shot, I would really like to have a bolt .357. I have always been partial to bolt guns. My Handi rifle is very accurate and just plain fun to shoot.
welder":lhhjzs7u said:
While I have a lever as well as a single shot, I would really like to have a bolt .357. I have always been partial to bolt guns. My Handi rifle is very accurate and just plain fun to shoot.

I saw those Handi-Rifles in 357mag and 30-30 and I got to say they caught my attention. :D :D

I used to have one in .30-.30 too Jimbo but traded it. It was the first cartridge I reloaded for and it also had iron sights, a plus for me. I wish I had kept it too. The .357 has been used a lot to teach shooters moving up from .22. I load a bunch of .38 and it is very easy to shoot and hit with. Helps the newbies build a little confidence with a "big" cartridge. I still have one in .45-70 but it doesn't see the range much. I think the Handi rifles are a good value and have had very good luck with mine.
I had to give up shooting the hard-kickers due a bad shoulder (surgery finally convinced me), so I no longer own the .45/70 or .500 Handi-Rifles, but I still shoot and enjoy my .357 Handi!
