*In Theory* a gun with a lower bore axis will have less muzzle flip with everything else equal. In real life everything else is far from equal.The fit of a particular gun, with a specific set of grips , held in YOUR hand is a huge factor. Even if I had fired a Rhino , how it feels and behaves in MY hand wouldn't nesecarilly relate to how it felt in YOUR hand.
I can say from personal experience that the SP101 is the smallest and lightest revolver that I can suitably control with full magnums , and also be less than painful. Invigorating , exciting , no doubt that somthing went off, not "fun" to shoot for hundreds of rounds , but controlable and non-painful.
And also from personal experience on a 2.75in .44Magnum I used before and after Magnaporting with factory level magnums. The total force into the hand not greatly changed , but the muzzle flip reduced to "barely controlable.
Magnaport reduces muzzle flip "a certain amount" , and has no measurable difference in vel. HybraPort.reduces muzzle flip " even more" , but does reduce velocities.
I would generally advise against porting on a SD gun , since in a retention position , or other expedient postion in a dynnamic situation can send the redirected high pressure muzzle gases into your face , or other part of anatomy. I once saw a friend using a .357 in an improper Creedmore position give himself 3rd degree burn from cylnder gap flash , so I have a lot of respect for those gasses. MagnaPort has some , Hybreport has exponentially more.
From personal experience , I you have used the stances and techniques you learned in LFI I , that would already be giving you a high degree of control of hard kicking gun.
Options :
If you CAN control it , but it is unpleasant , take head of the practice and philosophy of Bill Jordan ( who concieved of the first small for its day .357 ). Shoot a bizillon .38spls to practice trigger control , aiming , drawing , etc , and only shoot enough full powered to be familar with it .
Realize you can only bend the laws of physics a limited distance. At a certain point to achieve a signifigen difference in recoil/ flip you will need to either use same gun with lesser recoiling ammo, or use same ammo in a larger gun.
The better .38 +P , or medium vel .357's are still more than reasonably adaquate defensive rounds. OR a medium frame .357 with +/- 3in bbl is much more controlable (and more pleasant) , and still reasonably concealable ( from first hand experience).
Pick your flavor of poison.