I'm beginning to think my 32 maggie is the funnest gun I've ever owned, the little round continues to amaze me & I've pounded a lot rounds down the barrel now. Took it for another stroll tonight, hoping to bump into a badger, I saw one in the headlights night before last but the only weapon I had was a 5.7 Hemi
I got another nice photo of a beaver pond, then lit up a couple of ground squirrels. Squirrel #1 ran out into the meadow & I told Callshot all I could see was his eyeball at 13 yds, he should have kept an "eye out" for me, thats right where the little lead pill smacked him, lucky shot but it still did quite a number on his noggin #2 squirrel was messing around an old wood pile & got lead poison for his efforts. The 100 gr cast SWC & 3 grs of WST is deadly accurate & hits extremly hard for such a mild recoiling little death ray.
Can you spot the small muley buck in this photo?
A cow moose is probably the most ugly animal in north america, this one is no exception, her head was so long she could eat grass & never bend her neck :wink: She was about 200 yds away, I zoomed her in, still forgot my tripod.
Fun night, no badger but its only a matter of time, one of them will give up before I do :lol:
I got another nice photo of a beaver pond, then lit up a couple of ground squirrels. Squirrel #1 ran out into the meadow & I told Callshot all I could see was his eyeball at 13 yds, he should have kept an "eye out" for me, thats right where the little lead pill smacked him, lucky shot but it still did quite a number on his noggin #2 squirrel was messing around an old wood pile & got lead poison for his efforts. The 100 gr cast SWC & 3 grs of WST is deadly accurate & hits extremly hard for such a mild recoiling little death ray.
Can you spot the small muley buck in this photo?
A cow moose is probably the most ugly animal in north america, this one is no exception, her head was so long she could eat grass & never bend her neck :wink: She was about 200 yds away, I zoomed her in, still forgot my tripod.
Fun night, no badger but its only a matter of time, one of them will give up before I do :lol: