.32 H&R Mag SP101

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Jan 11, 2009
While looking for a 4" .327 mag SP101 I ran into a $599 3" .32 H&R mag I broke my arm reaching for my billfold. Don't know how many made but it as the first one I have seen in several years. Does not look like more than a box ran through it. No smoke ring on cylinder


Aug 15, 2022
Coal TWP Pa.
Good to hear you found a SP101. You can shoot 32 sw long in it too. I shoot them in my 327 mag SP101. They are quiet too. I have a H&R 32 SW long. It's much louder.


Mar 10, 2008
I love 32 H&R. I have an LCR 327 Fed Mag that I carry loaded with the 32 H&R. If I could find an SP 101 like yours, I'd snap it up in a heartbeat.
Feb 12, 2023
Saint Johns, FL
I try not to buy many similar firearms such as caliber and size (I say try) but over time I have looked at many SP101s.
The 357 5 shot thing always stopped me but probably shouldn't as carrying the SP101 versus a 3" 686 plus would be more practical for certain.

However for now, the only SP101 that seems right to my collection approach is the SP101 in 327 FM. Adding the caliber to the fleet seems to have some sense too.
I'm seeing here along with Ruger's website, it is basically an unavailable gun. I'd love to run across one and will search for one. I have a local shop that has surprised me before, such as the day I walked in and right under the glass is a S&W 5906 in absolute mint condition. I had been searching for one. I picked it up, paused and set it down for a second, then said mine. Probably not many fans of 3rd gen S&W autos but I am! We all have our favs.

Back to my post questions:

Seems like the SP101 327 FM is really sought after? If yes, why is Ruger ignoring that fact?


Nov 2, 2014
Yrisarri, NM- high in the Manzanos
.327 FM will always be a niche cartridge compared to .22, 9mm, and .38/.357 (other SP offerings). Even if it wasn't, I would prefer the others due to the short barrel length of the SP, which exacerbates the muzzle flash/noise of the .327 cartridge.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
"Seems like the SP101 327 FM is really sought after? If yes, why is Ruger ignoring that fact?"

The simple answer is "Number of sales." While it is desirable to many,, it's just not desirable to the masses. Ruger has to sell a certain number of guns to make a profit. And slow sellers do not provide the profit if they sit on shelves awaiting orders.
A distributor can request that Ruger make a "distributor exclusive" and guarantee to immediately buy a specific number (several thousand usually) and get a gun made. That is,, if it's not a high cost to build.
Feb 12, 2023
Saint Johns, FL
"Seems like the SP101 327 FM is really sought after? If yes, why is Ruger ignoring that fact?"

The simple answer is "Number of sales." While it is desirable to many,, it's just not desirable to the masses. Ruger has to sell a certain number of guns to make a profit. And slow sellers do not provide the profit if they sit on shelves awaiting orders.
A distributor can request that Ruger make a "distributor exclusive" and guarantee to immediately buy a specific number (several thousand usually) and get a gun made. That is,, if it's not a high cost to build.
Thanks for both replies to my question, I'm bringing up a Federal Mag question in an H&R thread which is showing my lack of knowledge. Only about 2.5-3 years into enjoying the hobby so I mixed it up a bit.
It was my understanding that a 327 FM SP101 could chamber several different 32 cal rounds making it potential win to have with the compatibility. I wasn't aware of the muzzle/flash/noise with the 327 FM in the short barrel.
I'll confess even with my short time at it, I have a number of more rare or less popular cal semi autos like a CZ70 32 auto and one I'm now even iffy on owning, a 9x18 Makarov.


Sep 4, 2008
It seems kind of uninformed to be phobic about the noise and flash of a 327 and think a 357 in the same gun will have less drama involved. It just comes as part of the territory.
But I'm a huge believer in the hotrod 32s and believe the OP would be very happy with the 3" sp-101,,, at least until he can find the 4" he really ought to have.
You know, bird in the hand and all that.
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Nov 2, 2014
Yrisarri, NM- high in the Manzanos
The .327 will chamber a number of .32 cartridges, including possibly .32 ACP. Thing is, barring getting into reloading, none of the .32 revolver cartridges are very commonly available, so it's a bit of a false utility. .32 ACP is so short in the .327 chamber that the bullet jump is huge and therefore it is unlikely to be particularly accurate.

It seems kind of uninformed to be phobic about the noise and flash of a 327 and think a 357 in the same gun will have less drama involved.
Sure, until you realize that the .327 is rated for an extra 10,000 psi and the factory cartridges are frequently loaded near max to showcase performance of the relatively new round.

From a recoil standpoint, the .327 will be the same or better than most. 357 loads. From a shock and awe standpoint, IME, significantly worse. I have both.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
laterifer7,, NO problem offering thoughts to your questions. That's why we are here & many of us try to help.

It's often lamented that a maker of stuff "should make XYZ" to satisfy the desires of some customers. Ruger included. But,, you have to accept the fact that they are in business to make money. The guns are the route to money. Demands must be strong enough to where a profit is projected to be good enough to allow for a return on the product.
A good example.
Decades ago, Bill Ruger wanted to build a gun to compete with S&W in the DA revolver line. He developed the Security-Six line of handguns. BUT,,, it was not a big profit maker. Bill was the man in charge & what he wanted was done. In fact the story is, that the Security-Six line lost money,, but became a thorn in the side of S&W. Later,, they developed the GP line,, and it makes money. And while they lost money in the Security-Six line,, overall the company made good profits elsewhere to accept that loss.
Bill is gone, and there isn't any Ruger family involved in the company. The company is run by a Board, and the goal is profit.
I was speaking with a (now retired) senior executive several years ago. We were discussing a specific model. It had been out for a year, and he commented how they had sold 30,000 of that model in a year. He said that was a very good sales record.
But to try & fulfill all the desires of customers just won't happen if the demands do not meet specific sales numbers.
That's why many custom gunsmiths are in business. They take a base gun, and transform it into what a customer desires. A recent example was a person here wished for a Single-Six sized, 5 shot,, .38 spl. That's a very low demand item. BUT,,, a few customs have been built for people wanting that type of gun. On the other hand, for many years,, people were taking the OM .357 Blackhawks & having custom .44 Spls built. Enough so, that Lipsey's distributors ordered a special run of a few thousand of them. They were popular enough that Ruger put that gun into regular production. AND,, here;s the key point. It was an EASY conversion when it came to Ruger engineers & designers. A low cost change & a good profit return.
So, while the SP-101 line is strong, and certain models were available, many are not kept in current production due to slow sales/demands.
In simple terms, "It's just business."
Feb 12, 2023
Saint Johns, FL
Reviving this one again, looks like the SP101 3" in .327 is available again.

Its Christmas, no reserve to buy one. Please all of you, buy them from the market so I don't have to look at them anymore and being available!!!