$#%@! 3 Screw itch

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Feb 5, 2008
North Alabama
Cruising through local Emporium on Monday... Spied a 3 screw 357... Our favorite salesman was steppin and fetchin for Santa himself so I eased on home... Wasn't really concerned since the real fruitcakes that would consider buying such a thing generally don't come around until the weekend anyway.... Stopped in on Tuesday and got to hold it.... Turned out to be a nice original gun.... I plan to have pictures to post later today...

Do I need another 3 screw 357? I thought about that hard myself... The general answer is yes.... I might get back in the groove on the matching custom 38-40/44-40/44 Special plan but even if I don't what does it matter.... The only justification I need is that this 3 screw was not MINE... That has been corrected! =:)
I understand Axe. I got back into Blackhawks by buying a NM 44 Special. The first time I cocked the hammer I realized what a mistake I'd made. My first two center fire handguns were 3-screw Blackhawks. Some intense shopping (and a big dose of luck) and I now have a Blackhawk 44 Mag and 357 Mag, both Flat-Tops. Ahhhh, that's what I was looking for. (smile)

Aahhhh... That OM sound is wonderful..... Something special about those Idaho and Oregon 3 screws makes them sound extra good down here! :wink: A little warning though... Never.. Never.. Never.. pick up a NM whose action has been tweaked by one of our current master Gunsmiths.. Let that happen and the only answer becomes BOTH! :p
And Here She Is!


I always love to see that pic of the Green River, White Rocks Mtn, and Square Top Mtn. (above the Green River Lakes in the Wind River Range of WY.)


The last "old" 3 screw .357 I stumbled upon was this one:

It's no prize but the s/n was kinda catchy.....31-00100 :D

Actually, several sharp eyed guys spotted it for sale on the internet and put me in touch with the seller!!!!

I find myself always wanting to scratch the 3-screw itch!!!!!!! Did I tell ya about the 7-1/2" 44 Flattop,,??? Hard to resist,,,???
I was not in Tulsa Last Weekend but, I did manage to end up with a very nice old 3 screw Super 3 digit with the longer frame from the Tulsa show it should arrive today! I understand that $#%@! 3 screw itch :shock: I will take a picture later & get it posted.

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