Until recently I had an older 3" with half lug and fixed sights. I really liked the gun except for the fixed sights. If I could have had one in that configuration with adjustable (and interchangeable) sights, I think it might be close to perfection. I have too much difficulty getting a rapid sight picture with the smaller fixed sights. I swapped it even for a 4", and immediately added a fiber optic front and V notch rear sight. After a complete IBOK trigger job, it compares fairly well to my Smith 686+. The Smith is still a little smoother, but it cost more than twice as much. I have about $300 in the GP, and it's a LOT of gun for that price. If you've got young eyes and the fixed sights work for you, the 3" has a lot going for it too. There were apparently a few adjustable sight 3 inchers made, but they seem to be quite scarce. The new 3" seems to have the same grip as the 4". If you can find some of the old style compact grips the early 3" model came with, it would be easier to carry concealed. Looks a lot better too.