3" Blue GP100?

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Nov 3, 2009
Rancho Cordova
Just purchased a 4" blue GP100 to go with my 6" I got a few weeks ago. I mentioned to the dealer, now I just need a 3" blue to complete the set. But in looking at the Ruger web, the 3" only comes in stainless. The dealer states that he recalls Ruger making a 3" blue, adjustable sights in a previous model. Can anyone confirm this? It sure would be a nice set.
Dan :D
Hi Predator and Hittman,
I don't have a lot of experience with all the subleties, only being a gun owner for a year. Why would one prefer full shroud or half shroud? I have a 4" GP in blue and have coveted an SP 101 in stainless. Predator, why do you prefer blue? These don't seem small enough to be carry guns.

I think most 3" GP100s are fixed sight. There were both short and full lug blued 3" fixed sight but the short lug is very rare.
There was a special run of adj. sight stainless 3" but, again, quite rare. I've seen only one come up for sale and, as usual, I was low on funds at the wrong time. :(

Terry T
I just like the looks of the full shroud, (back in the old python days). And I'm only thinking blue cause the other two are blue. Other than my own preference, no other reason. I know they're all good! Maybe collect some with the half shroud too! :D

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