.22 MKII pistol lead fouling

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Aug 25, 2009
Has anyone had any problems with Remington Thunderbolt lead fouling? I ran 300-350 rounds through a freshly cleaned MKII pistol 6-in barrel and ended up with major lead deposits about 1 in forward of the chamber. I had to use the aluminum cleaning rod to chisel out the deposits. I ended up with a BB sized ball and several thin 1/4 in slivers. I also soaked the bore overnight in Hoppes #9.

I'm hoing to switch to a CCI copper washed round and see if that fixes the problem. Thunderbolt has a plain round lead head.

It may be the gun. Anyone have similar experiences?
Bill Beamon
Hi, Bill

I haven't shot 'em in my Mk II, but I see those Thunderbolts catch a LOT of bad press over in the Rimfire forum.

Every .22 seems to have its favorite ammo, especially the autoloaders. Until they became virtually impossible to find around here, mine was fed Wally World Federal copper washed bulk packs almost exclusively. No problems worth compaining about--hey, they ARE cheap! I've also had good luck w/ the Remington Golden Bullets (the ones a grade up from the T-bolts.)

The only unplated lead I've fed it is CCI Blazer, which my 10/22 likes. Didn't notice any leading problems, but the lube built up on the feed ramp and caused FTF problems I don't experience w/ plated bullets.

Rick C
Thanks for the info. I'll check more deeply in the rimfire forum.
After 300+ rounds, I could not even get the cleaning rod down the bore. It was baaaad...

I've had a Ruger Standard since 1968, no telling how many rounds thru it. Just got a 2245. The LAST ammo I plan to run through either one is a waxed lead bullet. They never worked worth a hoot in my pistol. Nothing but copper-washed stuff for me.
I just ran 300 rounds of .22LR CCI Mini Mags through the gun after it was cleaned and there was no problem with lead fouling at all. Thunderbolt does not work- it exhibits an unusually great degree of lead fouling... Other copper coated ammo may work as well.
Bill Beamon
I won't use any Remington ammo.
The only 22LR ammo I use is COPPER COATED.
You might want to take the barrel off the gun and soak it over night in something like Ed's Red or something thaat losens carbon and helps with leading.

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