E Epishemore Bearcat Joined Mar 30, 2000 Messages 19 Location Green River, WY Jul 16, 2009 #1 When did Ruger switch from a fluted cylinder to a nonfluted .22 magnum cylinder on the super single six? Thanks.
When did Ruger switch from a fluted cylinder to a nonfluted .22 magnum cylinder on the super single six? Thanks.
F flatgate Hawkeye Joined Jun 18, 2001 Messages 6,784 Location Star Valley, WY Jul 17, 2009 #2 IIRC, late 1975. flatgate
chet15 Hawkeye Joined Jan 22, 2001 Messages 6,206 Location Dawson, Iowa Jul 17, 2009 #3 Yes, flatgate is correct on the blued guns. For stainless it happened in mid-1976 with the Liberty marked guns. Chet15
Yes, flatgate is correct on the blued guns. For stainless it happened in mid-1976 with the Liberty marked guns. Chet15