Wunbe: I just use a set screw and use RED locktite on the threads. The heat gun will loosen it if needed without messing with the finsih of the barrel.
The first couple I didn't bother to do anything else. I figure when and if I ever take the band back off the dimple will be UNDER the Semi Beaavertail forearm.
Then one day RG, the middle brother and I were installing studs for the main bolts in a motor. When you install studs, you drop a lead ball into the hole so you can torque to spec without bottoming out the stud and cracking the engine block. As we were doing that the lights went off, or maybe came on!!!
Just put a piece of lead, I use tiny little sinkers, in the bottom of the hole in the sling swivel and tighten the set screw down to it against the barrel. When you remove the band the only thing left is a "silver" smudge from the lead. That removes easily with a light rag and a bit of solvent.
If you REALLY want it on there simply put the rifle outside over night and put the barrel band in the toaster oven on low. Heat the band to 200 degrees or so. Then slide it on the cold barrel. Do everything else the same way. When the tempertures eaqualize it's there to stay. The only down side is if you use a factory band it ends up just a bit closer to the forearm than factory. That doesn't really matter UNLESS you line up your "A"s or "S" rifles and the bands go up and down to your eye as you look at the line of guns. ;-)
I'm not sure anybody else would think of that as a major issue, but those of use that are a BIT anal have spent hours and hours getting them all even. ;-)
If you are REALLY worried about the finish UNDER the band, try using a peice of heat shrink tubing and shrinking it into place. Then install the band and then after it's installed cut away the excess tubing on either side of the band with a razor blade (gently) it won't mar the blueing if you do it right.
Yes, the casting from Brownells!!! My smith charged me more to finish, buff, polish and blue them than I could have custom made ones made from David Gentry!!!!
the best
No, I've never changed the forearms on a/any #1s ever in my life. Trust Me.