1911 45 acp

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I think I can have a considered opinion concerning caliber even though I have not been in a gun fight! Actually, gun fight statistics are all over on what is the most effective calibers but 9mm has never been on the top. A 9mm is cheap to shoot, doesn't recoil much at all and is chambered in some very inexpensive pistols. Those are the reasons law enforcement agencies like the 9. Common sense tells us, or at least should, that there are much more effective calibers than a 9mm, 45ACP being one of them. There are probably at least 5 calibers that are better self-defense rounds than a 9mm. I am not saying that a 9mm won't do the job, just that there are better choices!!!!!!!!!
Overpriced, overrated.
The reason they are expensive is they are in such demand. How can something be "overrated" when in high demand? Demand is the basis of value. People see value in the name "Colt".

Certainly there are other makers for less money. Are they the same quality? Functionally perhaps they are.
The reason they are expensive is they are in such demand. How can something be "overrated" when in high demand? Demand is the basis of value. People see value in the name "Colt".

Certainly there are other makers for less money. Are they the same quality? Functionally perhaps they are.

Colt has been living off of purely name recognition for some time, with both the AR and the 1911. There are those who will pay for a particular rollmark, because....

The Tisas and RIA offer the same bang for less than half the bucks.
Many years ago I had a Colt Gold Cup. It was like new, used, and the shop owner told me it had been set up for "hard ball." The Gold Cup is a step above the M1911 with those Eliason sights.

I had a good load using the Sireea 185 gr. JHC bullet. This was very devastating on crows out to about 75 yards.

Loved shooting this pistol, hated losing brass in the leaves.

Far as I'm concerned, the Gold Cup is the ultimate .45 Auto. But then, what do I know about the autos?

Bob Wright
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I have a field bag that hangs across the body and lands at the hip. It has a spot for concealed carry. My 5 12" and 4 5/8" Blackhawks fit perfectly and it is surprisingly quick access.
Can you tell us more about this bag? (sorry if that's on a later page of this thread)
Raise your hand if you have ever defended your life with a handgun.
All others are simply speculating on what works. Or to be less kind regurgitating internet myths.
quote-----------All others are simply speculating on what works.-------quote

I shot a Whitetail deer that before field dressing weighed about 180lbs. The 9mm killed it with one shot.

I must say there are often a lot of things to consider when the cops adopt a handgun. Cost of ammo, recoil, lethality, magazine capacity, how much wear and tear will the picked out caliber have on the service life of the handgun, repair costs, ease of maintenance etc. The 9mm fills all of these bills with ease.

I have in the distant past spoken to WWII veterans and none who actually used the 9mm in combat bad mouthed it. You only get that from internet chatter and rectum gas.

And the majority of Nations have adopted the 9mm over the past 100 years, "and not" the .45acp. I think that too counts for something.
The history of weaponry is the history of mankind. Technology marches on, but history remains. It's why I have 1911's and a few antique arms going back to the mid 1800's. :)

One of my favorite quotes from Jeff Cooper illustrates this:

"If you don't understand weapons you don't understand fighting. If you don't understand fighting you don't understand war. If you don't understand war you don't understand history. And if you don't understand history you might as well live with your head in a sack."
Cooper never served in combat nor was he a law enforcement veteran either. Much of what he published was complete BS especially his constantly bad mouthing the 9mm which proved he never used it to kill anything. I have used the 9mm and when it can kill a deer with only 1 shot that weighed before field dressing 180 lbs that is proof that Cooper was full of Sht.

Coopers Bren 10 project was a failure and Coopers pushing his pet Scout Rifle as the wave of the future was a colossal failure as well. A few firearms companies produced it but the design fell flat on hits face as no one wanted them.
Wow! That's a whole lot of biased opinion, and you're certainly entitled to it. I agree with not one sentence. But to each their own I guess.
I gave you facts such as my killing a White Tail deer with one shot and because it did not fit your prejudiced viewpoint on the 9mm you ignored it and claimed it was therefore opinion. Opinions are not backed up by facts therefore my statements were not opinions.

I might add that when you need parts that will last the longest you do not use castings. Ancient sword makers were very capable of making and using castings but when it came to making a weapon they wanted to last and bet their life on they used the best metal they had and that was a steel ingot forged into a sword. Again fact not an opinion.
Many years ago I had a Colt Gold Cup. It was like new, used, and the shop owner told me it had been set up for "hard ball." The Gold Cup is a step above the M1911 with those Eliason sights.

I had a good load using the Sireea 185 gr. JHC bullet. This was very devastating on crows out to about 75 yards.

Loved shooting this pistol, hated losing brass in the leaves.

Far as I'm concerned, the Gold Cup is the ultimate .45 Auto. But then, what do I know about the autos?

Bob Wright
I'm shattered! Mr Wright shooting an auto loader.
I didn't think he'd bother with those new fangled things. ;)
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