1911 45 acp

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May 9, 2014
Mansfield, Louisiana
I have been a dedicated revolver shooter Al of my life. I own everything from NAA 22 lr to BFR 475 linebaugh. I have settled on the 44 special in a Ruger Nm flattop as my all time favorite.

I am now ready to try a 1911 45 acp and give it a fair chance. I called a trusted friend and asked advice on what manufacturer to look to for an all steel 5" model. H his text was only one word, "RUGER". So it begins.
I have been a dedicated revolver shooter Al of my life. I own everything from NAA 22 lr to BFR 475 linebaugh. I have settled on the 44 special in a Ruger Nm flattop as my all time favorite.

I am now ready to try a 1911 45 acp and give it a fair chance. I called a trusted friend and asked advice on what manufacturer to look to for an all steel 5" model. H his text was only one word, "RUGER". So it begins.
Your friend was spot on.


I have the target and love it.
I have been a dedicated revolver shooter Al of my life. I own everything from NAA 22 lr to BFR 475 linebaugh. I have settled on the 44 special in a Ruger Nm flattop as my all time favorite.

I am now ready to try a 1911 45 acp and give it a fair chance. I called a trusted friend and asked advice on what manufacturer to look to for an all steel 5" model. H his text was only one word, "RUGER". So it begins.
There's hundreds of different models, by hundreds of different makers, available from $300 to $5,000 and more. They all shoot the same ammo. How much are you willing to spend to "try one out"?
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I've about had 'em all...But before I'd be inclined to offer a recommendation, you'll first have to define "try a 1911 45 acp and give it a fair chance."......because frankly, I have no idea what that might mean.

I've about had 'em all...But before I'd be inclined to offer a recommendation, you'll first have to define "try a 1911 45 acp and give it a fair chance."......because frankly, I have no idea what that might mean.


Which is why I asked what he's willing to spend. Which is correlated to the intended use. Combat, plinking, competition, show piece, etc. Kinda like picking a wife. Farm girl who can cook, and not afraid to get her hands dirty, or demanding and expensive trophy wife, or something in between. ;)
I have several from as issued to custom...it is my favorite pistol....I usually stick to made in USA 1911's and parts and stay away from the imports. However, I did recently purchase a Rock Island Arms MS. It is currently at a smith having a beavertail fit (I don't have the jig or access to the needed machinery anymore or I would do it myself). I've heard some good stuff about the Turkish 1911's and compared it side by side with the RIA.....I went with the RIA....I'm sentimental about the 1911 AND the Philippines ;)
There are numerous factors to consider; what are you using it for, do you want adjustable sights, original "GI" style fixed sights, updated (better, easier sight picture) fixed sights, etc. What are you going to be using if for? Target, IPSC type competition, casual plinking/shooting, self defense, CCW, alos etc.
In the past 50+ years of shooting, I have owned over 40 different 1911 platform pistols. My choices today would be a 1950's vintage Colt Government model, original Colt Series 70, Springfield Armory and Ruger. Ruger last because I have a great dislike for stainless steel firearms. If I was mostly going to do target type shooting, a Colt Series 70 Gold Cup. I still own my first Series 70, purchased new in 1978. It has had thousands of rounds through it, shoots better than I can shoot it and has had one part failure since new, a slide stop. The little nub that the magazine follower pushes up against to lock the slide back after the last round in the magazine, broke off. The gun would still function, and ended up shooting another 200 rounds at the match I was at when it broke.
Well it won't actually be my first auto. Not even my first 1911. In my 20's I briefly had a llama that I couldn't hit a barn with. Then then there was the constant FTF situation. I did not know how to address either issue, so I traded it off for a Ruger security six. I have some "plastic 9's" that work every time I pull the trigger, but I don't have warm and fuzzy feelings for them. I prefer an all steel gun with a 41+ size bore.

I intend to shoot this one a lot and learn about the design and how to shoot it accurately. Then it may accompany me on my morning walks, woods prowling, atv rides around the property or even as my hip gun during hunting season. In those scenarios it may be called upon to protect me from meth heads and feral dogs or possible dispatch a snake or trapped hog. We have pig traps and I normally dispatch with a 22 lr or 22 magnum, but I always have a larger gun with me.

I don't plan to start off out the gate with trying to hunt with it but it may get that opportunity as well. I hunt from the ground and have blinds set up on my hunting properties for close range shooting opportunities. They are great for archery hunting or open sighted 44 specials! I don't doubt that a well placed shot from the old warhorse would perform there as well.

Oh, and as for price, I want to keep it below $1000. I have recently sold off some shotguns that I no longer wanted so I could find other things. A 1911 45 ACP falls into that category but most of that cash goes for powder and primer.

Thanks to all
Well it won't actually be my first auto. Not even my first 1911. In my 20's I briefly had a llama that I couldn't hit a barn with. Then then there was the constant FTF situation. I did not know how to address either issue, so I traded it off for a Ruger security six. I have some "plastic 9's" that work every time I pull the trigger, but I don't have warm and fuzzy feelings for them. I prefer an all steel gun with a 41+ size bore.

I intend to shoot this one a lot and learn about the design and how to shoot it accurately. Then it may accompany me on my morning walks, woods prowling, atv rides around the property or even as my hip gun during hunting season. In those scenarios it may be called upon to protect me from meth heads and feral dogs or possible dispatch a snake or trapped hog. We have pig traps and I normally dispatch with a 22 lr or 22 magnum, but I always have a larger gun with me.

I don't plan to start off out the gate with trying to hunt with it but it may get that opportunity as well. I hunt from the ground and have blinds set up on my hunting properties for close range shooting opportunities. They are great for archery hunting or open sighted 44 specials! I don't doubt that a well placed shot from the old warhorse would perform there as well.

Oh, and as for price, I want to keep it below $1000. I have recently sold off some shotguns that I no longer wanted so I could find other things. A 1911 45 ACP falls into that category but most of that cash goes for powder and primer.

Thanks to all

I'd save some of that $$ for a couple or 3 aftermarket mags. The factory mags that usually come with 1911's at or below your price point are unreliable at best. Wilson Combat makes some excellent 8rd stainless mags that I use, which alleviated feeding problems with my 1911's. You should also expect to have a 200rnd+ break-in period although that's not carved in stone, nor is it specific to any given manufacturers or models. You'll also want to decide if you want series 70 or series 80 internals. Lot's of discussions and preferences associated with that. :)

PS: Have you given any thought to a carry rig? It's a heavy gun, and from what you mention about hunting I'd suggest a good chest carry. Take a look at what Diamond D offers for chest/shoulder, etc.

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I only learned about the 70/80 situation about a week ago. So I have done some research. I should have just found a gun and started shooting. I am more confused now than ever! Haha.

I have a field bag that hangs across the body and lands at the hip. It has a spot for concealed carry. My 5 12" and 4 5/8" Blackhawks fit perfectly and it is surprisingly quick access. I always wear it in the woods. It carry's 1st aid, water bottle, extra ammo, phone. I love a chest holster as well and will probably end up with one.

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