$10 Gun Show Find

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David LaPell

Sep 14, 2008
Upstate NY
There was a gun show being held only a couple of miles from where I work so after I got out I decided to check out the tables. It was winding down and there were not too many people. I went around a couple times, avoiding the sticker shock on the .22 ammo and some of the guns and went to diving through some cardboard boxes of stuff looking for brass and some other oddities. I was just about to leave when I found a box of old leather holsters. At the very bottom was a George Lawrence holster that almost looked new. I could never decipher the numbers on them and the guy selling them had no idea. He was a Bucheimer man and all the other holsters were from that company. The Lawrence had a tag on it of $10. I decided to take a chance anyways and when I got it home, it was a perfect fit for my Model 27 with the 3 1/2 inch barrel. It proves once again that even a blind squirrel can find an acorn once in a while.

That holster looks like it's lined. Is it? If so, you got an even better deal than you thought.
Looks like it would fit a 4" N frame as well.
puma guy said:
Nice find! I have never found a definitive index for Lawrence Leather. I have a limited list in a old Herter's catalogue.
I have no dog in this hunt, but go to ebay.com and do a search for lawrence leather or lawrence holsters and chances are you will find some old Lawrence catalogs either for sale or auction. Problem is, ya usually gotta have a paypal account to pay for it. Some sellers will accept other forms of payment, but email them before bidding. Good luck in your search!