10-22 barrel diameter

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Dec 25, 2007
Something to consider before deciding to have your OEM 10-22 barrel muzzle threaded: What is the outside diameter behind the front sight? Is it sufficient to cut the 1/2x28 threads and leave a significant 'shoulder' for the muffler (or muzzle mount) to butt up against? Most OEM production barrels I've seen threaded were cut behind the front sight base where the barrel profile is thinnest and don't leave much of this 'shoulder'.
Just something to check before heading down that path.
You do not need a 'significant' shoulder to bump a muzzle device or suppressor against on a 22RF. 'Need' and 'Want' are totally different.
If you're gonna omit the front sight just remove the base & leave the band to thread, leaving part of it for a shoulder. It's .625"on my barrels.

That's an .0625" step. Is that enough? Thinking a slip over & clamp adaptor a pretty solid alternative to machining or permanently loosing the front sight.
Something like these work pretty well. The thread is 1/2"-28 and they can adapt to standard oil filter threads of 3/4"-16 or 13/16"-16. I am sure you could also find an adapter to change it to metric oil filter sizes as well. These are solvent trap adapters for cleaning purposes. The ring is a sealing ring to keep it from leaking.
When I started delving into suppressor's, I bought a Range Rod in 22, 264, and 308 caliber. You insert them into muzzle and indicate off of it instead of OD of bbl. Mabe just my luck but I hav never had or been around a bbl whose bore was off center to OD of bbl. Mabe .010-.015" at most. Only time I have had a muzzle strike was when I shot 30 cal bullet with 22 cal end cap on. I bot a new endcap 🙄

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