Ruger alpha cat how hard to find specific serial number?

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Mar 14, 2005
Milwaukee Wisconsin
Starting the hunt early for two specific alpha cats. Just wonder what the thoughts are on finding them. Too scattered among non collectors to find specific serial numbers easily? Or locked up tight by serious collectors? Too make matters worse I want decent condition but want shooters. Don't know if I can bring myself to buy a collector package for the purpose.

Rest of the story. My brother waited to have kids. Found the right woman finally and pulled the trigger. Think he is nuts at 47 to have two under two. Anyways our old man was a big gun guy. Every christmas or birthday if not both saw us getting a gun from about three years old on. Dad tried to keep that going with the grandkids. Unfortunately he passed before the second was born and when the first one was only about six months. He did give him a chipmunk rifle. NIB that he had kept waiting in the closet for close to 30 years.

I have no plans to have kids. Figure I will step up and do what grandpa would have done. Second nephew will be getting my chipmunk rifle for christmas. Maybe a little early as he will be 18 days old on christmas. Unsure what the two will get down the road. But at some point I would like to give them each an alpha cat. Serial # T323 for Tucker born 3/23 and Serial # C127 for Colton born 12/7.

How hard of a hunt is ahead of me??


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Hard,, but not impossible. Radical Rod is known as "the numbers guy" and has managed to work a network of people who have helped him find many specific numbers in guns. He's no longer a Forum member,, but if necessary,, I can put you in touch with him,, or you can go to the ROCS forum site & look for him. He's over there. radical rod also known as Rod K.

Besides that,, start asking all over the place in every Forum, & especially any place Ruger aficionados might be. But also think outside the box,, and ask on other gun forums,, because "you just never know!"


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Now that's a funny one jussbad! Colton wouldn't be able to have a set!

:D :D :D

HOWEVER,, remember,, there were not any "O" 'Cats.