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      v35 reacted to DerekR's post in the thread Got Wasps?? with Like Like.
      I agree....but I did, accidentally, hit a paper wasp nest last year. Those things hurt almost as bad as a yellowjacket. Yellowjackets...
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      v35 replied to the thread Got Wasps??.
      Paper wasps are ok. They're chill. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone. I suppose if their nests get really large they might...
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      v35 reacted to Heliman's post in the thread How much money to retire ??? with Like Like.
      My wife and I retired 10 years ago. I was 64 and my wife 62. We owned our home free and clear. No credit card debt. We have 5...
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      v35 replied to the thread How much money to retire ???.
      In fact the US dollar has lost approximately 50% of its value during that time.
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      v35 reacted to hittman's post in the thread Was I wrong to take the free gas? with Like Like.
      Is there a saying about character being best judged or tested on actions when nobody is looking?
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      v35 reacted to hittman's post in the thread credit card info stolen AGAIN with Like Like.
      Horrible idea freezing your credit report in most cases. And I don’t believe you can freeze your score.
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      v35 reacted to eveled's post in the thread Leatherman Outta Harbor Freight with Like Like.
      You acknowledge it's predatory and unethical. Yet you decided to buy one anyway? I'm not judging you, but I'm willing to support...
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      v35 replied to the thread credit card info stolen AGAIN.
      I'm convinced there is nothing you did, or can do, to change this. I have one credit card that was simply prone to fraud. Three times in...
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      v35 reacted to DGW1949's post in the thread credit card info stolen AGAIN with Like Like.
      You guys do know that they can't do that when you use cash, eh?, it's becoming quite common to get an instant 3%-4% discount...
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      v35 reacted to Kevin's post in the thread credit card info stolen AGAIN with Like Like.
      I try to tap to pay or use my phone (same as tap to pay.) It’s the inserting cards into some device that allows this to happen.
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      v35 reacted to Randyzzz's post in the thread Some EBay sellers suck… with Like Like.
      Oh, this just gets better. I just got an offer from him for $175 and free shipping. Maybe I'm just a stubborn old fart- but I'd rather...
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      v35 reacted to davevabch's post in the thread Some EBay sellers suck… with Like Like.
      Yep, Had one not too long ago. Lying piece of crap. That said, I would say for myself, I have had about 99% good luck and honest vendors.
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