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  1. R

    SR9E vs Security9 for first pistol?

    Thanks for the detailed responses. At the price point it does indeed sound like I can’t go wrong. I should have mentioned that I did indeed consider the spec differences and nothing jumped out too much. Mag capacity difference is negligible. Safeties are fine, and I’d swap a recoil spring (and...
  2. R

    SR9E vs Security9 for first pistol?

    You’re right on about the overall comfort and second nature familiarity, I’m approaching this purchase with that in mind. What I’d add is that no matter which I go with, I’d not only make due with the perceived shortcomings it may have compared to higher end options, but embrace them and well...
  3. R

    SR9E vs Security9 for first pistol?

    I’ve had long guns around but never a handgun, so I’m looking for a home defense/occasional carry pistol, something affordable to start off with. After some research into what would suit that purpose, I put that up against the inventories of some local shops and it came down the the SR9E vs the...