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  1. N

    What did you pay for your SR1911 ? This should be good !!!!

    ...bought new full-size SR1911 in June 2013 from my local FFL shop (does a lot of rifles and eclectic consignment more than new handguns) at $698.00. Bigger volume shops in Boston area were $699.-$729.00 at the time. Add tax of 6.25% here in Mass of $43.62. Lovin' the 1911. /eddie
  2. N

    How many have tried FrogLube ?

    I'm trying out FrogLube on my S&W M&P9, and after 3 cleanings over the past 5 months I can say I'm happy. It cleans up (what seems) a bit easier each time, feels to lube nice and smooth and darn is it nicely scented. I may switch over and start using it on my SR9. Just a data-point from this...