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  • N
    NikA replied to the thread Extractor on super wrangler.
    Are you looking to see if the cylinder holes are aligned with the rod before attempting to eject? Most Ruger single actions do not...
  • N
    NikA replied to the thread Bullet find today.
    This analogy is 100% incorrect. Home distillation of spirits for personal consumption, while rarely prosecuted, is completely illegal...
  • N
    @TheTexasRAT, you might look into using a stab crimp created by a modified Lee collet die to crimp bullets below the level of the case...
  • N
    NikA replied to the thread Bullet find today.
    @TheTexasRAT, your focus is on the wrong portion of the statute. ATF has long held that personal manufacture is not a problem (for both...
  • N
    This was not clear from your previous post on the subject. Question: why not just seat the bullets deeper in the case to achieve the...
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    NikA replied to the thread Gunsmith tools.
    Just had my wife buy me a set of these for Christmas. Thus far, I can say it sure is nice to be using slotted bits with proper heat...
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    NikA replied to the thread Bullet find today.
    I have not heard this interpretation of the law. 18 USC 923 says you need a license if you are in the business of manufacturing complete...
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    Side note: .45 CS accuracy out of a .45 Colt cylinder is likely to be pretty unimpressive. Bullet will be fully released from the case...
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    If you insist on limiting the pressure to 14ksi, .455 Webley data would be your reference point. Nearly identical case volume to .45 ACP...
  • N
    "Brevity is the soul of wit" - probably not actually William Shakespeare
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    Posts the same treatises on at least 3 web platforms. Not "preaching" my foot. Since this isn't a psychology forum, no need to speculate...
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    Seems like it would be pretty easy for a person to measure the bearing surface of a bullet for comparison purposes. Might want to make...
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    NikA replied to the thread Bird Collisions.
    Probably 5 years ago now, we had a kestrel break through both panes of a double pane window and into the house. Wife was home alone and...
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    BLUF: for various chemical reasons, hot and humid are the worst storage conditions for smokeless propellant, and hot and dry is...
  • N
    @TheTexasRAT, your posts have the flavor of information compiled from a variety of sources by AI. All I'm saying is there is a lot of...

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