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      heydrich reacted to Lt92's post in the thread Ruger RXM? with Like Like.
      Its really not that difficult, especially for those of us old Glock owners who have been performing this task for decades. However, I...
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      heydrich reacted to hpman66's post in the thread Ruger RXM? with Like Like.
      8400rd test with zero fails...
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      heydrich reacted to j9pestel's post in the thread Blazer ammo with Like Like.
      I love Blazer ammo. I pretty much shoot that exclusively in my 9mm Ruger and S&W
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      heydrich replied to the thread Blazer ammo.
      I shoot Blazer almost exclusively at the range. Aluminum and brass. Never had any issues.
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      heydrich replied to the thread Ruger RXM?.
      I'm not a fan of the suppressor size sights. I just might go with replacing them with XS DXT Big Dot's in yellow instead.
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      heydrich reacted to RUT's post in the thread Ruger RXM? with Like Like.
      Those SAR 9's are a helluva deal!
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      heydrich replied to the thread Ruger RXM?.
      Just installed the Tango Down Vickers Tactical Slide Racker (GSR-03) to my RXM. Fits like a glove and the older hands appreciate the...
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      heydrich replied to the thread Ruger RXM?.
      Oh Yeah! It definitely needs the black frame! Installed and looks better than the gray. Just my opinion.
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      heydrich replied to the thread Ruger RXM?.
      While waiting for my new frame, I had ordered a Glock OEM Gen 3 extend slide release as I like the extra purchase area. It arrived today...
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      heydrich replied to the thread Ruger RXM?.
      My black frame from Magpul shipped and should be here on Friday.
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      heydrich reacted to sharpblade7777's post in the thread Ruger RXM? with Like Like.
      Picked this up this morning at lgs. 390 total out the door. Took it out in the back yard and hit my target every time and it didn't...
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      heydrich reacted to sharpblade7777's post in the thread Ruger RXM? with Like Like.
      I gotta say I love my glocks. Here's a picture of most of them. But I own far more rugers than glocks but a glock is always my carry...
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      heydrich replied to the thread Ruger RXM?.
      I bought an M18 last year. Then went on Ebay and picked up a complete slide for an M17. Since the M18 & M17 share the same frame, 2...
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      heydrich replied to the thread Ruger RXM?.
      Not sold on the gray frame that mine came with. Just ordered a black one from Magpul. With the holidays, probably a long wait.
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      heydrich replied to the thread Ruger RXM?.
      Its a solid pistol. Have not had a chance to shoot it yet. Appears well made and I really like the feel and balance. Will clean and...
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