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    • G
      This is the last of the guns my friend has asked me to sell for his father's estate at this point. Savage model 99E Carbine lever action...
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      Looks like a good deal, but I just bought 3 pistols this week and the gun fund is depleted for a bit..
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      greenmtnguy replied to the thread Green Dot powder.
      Maybe, but powders also have pressure ranges where they work best, and that may not be a good match. Certain faster powders might be...
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      greenmtnguy replied to the thread Green Dot powder.
      None of my manuals has any data for Green Dot and bullets over 255 grains, it is likely not a good combo to try, especially in a non-...
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      greenmtnguy replied to the thread Green Dot powder.
      I don't have a Colt SAA, but use 7.0 grains of green dot behind a 255 grain RNFP or SWC lead bullet for around 800-840 FPS in several...
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      greenmtnguy replied to the thread Super Wrangler.
      Well, I finally got around to ordering one of these - I'm pretty excited/curious to get my hands on it and see how well it shoots.
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      greenmtnguy replied to the thread A2400 Powder.
      I had a chance to buy a few pounds of N340 and passed on it, will probably buy some to try if I can't get my usual HS-6
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      greenmtnguy replied to the thread A2400 Powder.
      Get powder when you can, and start researching new recipes because you won't get any new Alliant powder for at least a year, hodgdon and...
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      greenmtnguy reacted to akmania's post in the thread Got another Bearcat with Like Like.
      Found this one on Armslist this past weekend, made in 1964 .Pretty excited about finding it for what I paid for it. I have 2 other NEW...
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      I was planning to get a Bodyguard 380-the original one-but for almost double capacity I may have to look at this 2.0. I really prefer...
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