Recent content by dcsundog

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  1. dcsundog

    What places bring up your best memories?

    Road trips with my wife, deer and elk camps with friends and family over many years, backpack and dog tent camping all over the mountains of NM and one I will never forget was a week long trip to the Gila Wilderness just to listen to the grey wolves howl at night. I almost forgot, numerous...
  2. dcsundog

    Who let the dogs out?!?

    My three, Betty Jo, Edgar and Gladys doing what they do best. Being great house dogs.
  3. dcsundog

    Do you remember.....

    Never had much use for heavy recoiling handuns or rifles. Even when I was a young whipper snapper many years ago and could tolarate it. I have hunted big game in NM most of my life and never felt the need for any rifle caliber heavier than a 270 or a 308. i've always put more creedence in...
  4. dcsundog

    How Do Collectors.....

    No real schedule with the guns in my safes. I live in the mountains of NM with low humidity, so an oiley patch thru the bore and a wipedown keeps them in good shape.
  5. dcsundog

    Said Goodbye To My Old Hunting Buddy Today

    Sorry to hear about Petey. Keep his memories close to your heart and with time, fond memories will slowly replace the sadness.
  6. dcsundog

    Cougar Encounters

    The most interesting encounter happened in my front yard . While out watering the grass one morning my wife spotted a mountain lion laying under one of our pondarosas. He was no more than twenty yards away just watching us. About the time we spotted him, he got up and slowly walked down the...