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    • coachk64
      coachk64 replied to the thread PePe le PEW.
      Last spring my Chocolate Labe got sprayed three by a skunk times in about 6 weeks. You are certainly right about the peroxide / baking...
    • coachk64
      I got a facebook account about 15 years ago when my company asked us all to so we could "like" the posts they put on there. I...
    • coachk64
      IMHO, the main reason that there is so much divisiveness in the country today, on both sides of the political aisle, is that we have...
    • coachk64
      coachk64 replied to the thread Goin' possum huntin'.
      My wife also has multiple bird and squirrel feeders, so we get the occasional raccoon or possum hanging around. I just live-trap it and...
    • coachk64
      coachk64 replied to the thread 41 Magnum love.
      I guess I'm not positive about the barrel length, I was just a kid and it was 40 years ago. It might have been a 6-1/2" barrel. I...
    • coachk64
      I actually like Glocks, and my current CC weapon is the Glock 43. The first time I was exposed to the Glock was in the mid-80's and I...
    • coachk64
      coachk64 replied to the thread 41 Magnum love.
      My first Blackhawk back around 1985 was a 41 Mag in 5.5". I made the mistake of letting a local gunsmith cut it down to 4-5/8", and it...
    • coachk64
      coachk64 replied to the thread Choose your poison.
      Although I fully agree with the .22 argument, and it figures large in my zombie apocalypse scenarios for all of the reasons stated...
    • coachk64
      Greetings from southern Wisconsin. My first handgun was a Security Six in 1982. Since then I've had several Blackhawks, a couple of...
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