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  1. R

    .38 Spec/.44 Spec loads in magnum cases?

    Is it safe to use .38 Special and .44 Special loads in the respective magnum cases? It may soot the cases to some extend I think but I'm not sure if these loads would be safe. .38 loads would be used in a GP 100 (to prevent the soot build up in the cylinder with the smaller .38 Spec cases)...
  2. R

    P 90 Trigger Job

    My P 90 needs a trigger job because it creeps badly before the hammer falls. How much is it (approximately) to have it done by a gunsmith? Just need an idea how much pesos I have to take into consideration.
  3. R

    Range shooting

    Put on $1.00 reading glasses, concentrate on the front sight, let the target blur, and you'll surprised about the nice groups you shoot! 62 years, and (sometimes) still goin' strong. :lol:
  4. R

    Old Eyes, Tired Eyes

    I'm there, too. At the age of 62 nothing under arms length can be focused anymore. My solution: as you should wear glasses on the shooting line anyway, I bought an assortment of Dollar-store reading glasses (with the large lenses) and use them to focus on the front sight. The target bullseye is...
  5. R

    Ever seen one of these......RoHM SAA/DA

    As far as I know, Röhm is the manufacturer of (real steel) press drill chucks which work fine. The "arms" produced by them, and a company, named "Arminius" are ment to fire BLANKS or tear gas, not rounds with a bullet. For some time, everybody over 18 in Germany could buy "blank firing arms"...
  6. R

    GP 100 .357 firing .38 Special

    I knew that I would get very good advice for my problem here on the Ruger Forum. Thanks a lot guys.
  7. R

    GP 100 .357 firing .38 Special

    I have tons of .38 cases I'd like to shoot in the .357 GP 100. What would you suggest to use for cleaning the gap between the .38 case size and the step in the chambers set for using .357 ammo?