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  1. O

    SR9 mag disconnect removal

    I know this subject has been discussed ad nauseam, but has there ever been an actual case where someone was charged or convicted of a bad shoot solely on the basis of having removed their SR9's magazine disconnect? It may be all in my head, but I'll swear my SR9 operates a little smoother...
  2. O

    What am I doing wrong?

    The slow group thanks you... Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I'm the one that was not getting the mag fully locked in, but didn't realize what was happening and had to have someone else point that out to me. And that's after literally thousands of times inserting magazines in pistols w/o a...
  3. O

    What am I doing wrong?

    I have explained this twice and don't know how else to put it so that you might understand it. It's not really that complex, I just wasn't getting the topped off mag inserted forcefully enough to where it locked in. As a result, the second round was not feeding correctly or at all, and not firing.
  4. O

    What am I doing wrong?

    Correct. Turns out the topped off mag was not seating correctly, even though I used the same force as with a full mag for the initial chambering of the first round. My carelessness in assuming the topped off mag was seated correctly when it wasn't. When the club gunsmith and I determined what...
  5. O

    What am I doing wrong?

    Problem solved! The topped off mag was not clicking completely into place. Even though I would insert the topped off mag and smack it smartly with the palm of my hand just like I've done 000s of times with all my guns, it was not locking in securely even though it appeared to be. GS saw what I...
  6. O

    What am I doing wrong?

    As I said, I've never had this happen before on any gun, 1911 or otherwise, so I don't have a clue right now. I load a mag--any mag of 8-10--to its capacity. Insert mag and chamber the top round. Drop mag and top off with new round. Make sure new round is inserted properly, smack against palm of...
  7. O

    What am I doing wrong?

    New SR1911 Commander (350-400 rounds) will not do the +1 loading no matter what mag I use or how I do it. Every other semi auto I own or have owned--and that's quite a few--I insert loaded mag, chamber round, drop mag, insert new round in mag, insert mag in gun and voila!, I have +1 that works...
  8. O

    SR1911 Commander front sight

    Is the front sight on my new SR1911 Commander pinned? I would like to drift it ever so slightly to the right but don't want to break anything. I shot it for the first time today and all shots were right unless I overcompensated left. When I checked the sights the front sight is noticeably off...
  9. O

    SR1911 grip wood

    Thank you, Gunny. Very informative and about what I figured. I'll bet I could call Ruger c/s and they wouldn't be able to give me a definitive answer.
  10. O

    SR1911 grip wood

    This has probably been asked and answered but I can't find it. Does anyone know what kind of wood the factory SR1911 grips are made of? Thanks
  11. O

    dropped bolt assembly won't go back in RAP

    Thank you very much, Rich. The video where the guy puts a coin in his vise then pulls back with the cocking piece hooked over the coin was just what I needed. Worked like a charm and I'm back in business. I think the video I used is titled cocking the M77 and most other bolts or something like...
  12. O

    dropped bolt assembly won't go back in RAP

    Forgot to mention it's a left hand bolt, not that that changes anything.
  13. O

    dropped bolt assembly won't go back in RAP

    Was cleaning my Ruger American Predator 6.5 Creedmoor bolt and managed to drop it on hard floor. The bolt "fired," that is firing pin is out and the bolt won't go back into rifle. The cocking piece (hope that's the right nomenclature) is sticking out far enough that it won't let the bolt go in...
  14. O

    Need help - GP100 hogue grip on SP101

    You might want to look at the Trausch grips for SP101s. I have one on my SP101 and like it very much.
  15. O

    scrapes in blue finish on brand new GP100

    Obviously I have not explained the "scrapes/scratches" or my lack of concern with them very well, but thanks anyway for the replies. The saying used to be that if the whole class misses the test question, must have been a bad question. Sorry I brought it up.