Am I being paranoid?

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Dec 25, 2007
So, here's the current problem with USPS: There's been so many deadbeats hired over the past several years that the system simply can't function. When there's more mail at the dock than is getting processed, at some [point the Supervisor realizes that his shift isn't going to clear the dock for the next scheduled arrival of mail from XYZ. They hook up a tractor to the loaded or partially loaded trailer and send it on a road trip to another facility. The load gets to that facility and they say "Hmm, that's not ours" and send it on another road trip back to the first place or just some random sorting facility in order to get it off their 'to do list'.
I can look at the scans on an in transit package and see this instantly. My state representative is gathering information to present to USPS in order to find a fix for this problem. I've offered my services as an advisor and may get put back on the payroll for this project. :love:


Dec 16, 2006
May have been put on the wrong truck. I see it a lot. It can add several days as they figure it out.


May 8, 2022
Think of it this way, whatever means you used to find out all of those office are in Greenville, probably the internet, is also REAL easy to monitor.
Jan 11, 2014
North Carolina
I'll share my experience. I ordered a small package that would fit in one of the mailers from a company and they mailed it out the next day. They supplied the tracking label. I could've driven an hour and 45 minutes south of me to pick the item up, but instead the cost of shipping wasn't that expensive. That package went from Beaumont to San Antonio to North Houston to South Houston to Shreveport, Louisiana before it finally made it to Alexandria. Took seven days. I don't see how anyone can run a business and make it cost-effective under those conditions.
The postal service is so over burdened by its management it couldn't function on its' own income hence the one billion plus dollar taxpayer subsidy!
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
But we have zip codes. And machines that read bar codes and even have OCR. These were touted as solving all the miss delivery issues.

Except at some point humans do get involved. And those humans are both stupid and lazy. A combination ripe for failure.

I've had packages from less than twenty miles away take a three week journey to the north end of the state. Then hit every small town on the way back. Label clearly printed with all of the relevant information.

Or how about the one returned as undeliverable because a human sent it out for delivery in Los Angeles instead of my town. Again, all information including zip code and town clearly printed

I could go on and on. I am just one mail recipient and located in a major urban area not some obscure town located in the back of beyond.

Take my experiences and multiply them by the population if this country and it's obvious the USPS needs to be shut down.

Privately owned companies that compete for business would do a much better job.


Jan 9, 2014
I'm NOT suggesting that anyone start loading mags
I'm NOT suggesting that anyone start loading mags.
Wait - you mean you do not have your mags loaded? You are asking for someone to break in to your house.
Keep those mag loaded. Even the Black Widow aways had her gun loaded and under her pillow before posioned her husband!
Dec 25, 2007
"I've had packages from less than twenty miles away take a three week journey to the north end of the state."
I understand what you're saying BUT. Many small to medium sized post offices only have local and other sorts (some don't even sort the local). Everything else goes to a sorting facility which may be 100 miles away or more. If the sorting facility makes a mistake, the mail piece goes to another office that returns it to the sorting facility. Then it goes through another sort-- on & on.
This problem started 30-35 years ago when the OCR (Optical Character Reader) systems replaced manual sorting. It has grown as local office hours/employees are reduced. There's no going back at this point.
I'm sure there are some dedicated, diligent USPS employees still working but when Civil Service went away and FERS came in, the motivation was lost. Three generations of my family worked in the Post Office/USPS over approximately 100 years so I've seen (or heard about) everything imaginable. It's sad to see what was once an honorable and coveted job become just a place to be.:(
May 10, 2022
Peters Colony, Republica de Tejas
Someone ( I forget who) once said, "Never attribute to malice that which can be just easily explained by incompetance." That's probably at work here.
True enough.

The problem is, these days people at an alphabet entity are saying to each other, "Hey, let's take advantage of the public's perception that our government is incompetent, and use that to hide our actual malice. Why, we can even fool the courts."
Feb 24, 2022
originally, Indep., MO - now central Georgia
This shipment isn't gun or ammo related, BUT it does show the efficiency of the USPS dept. back in 2022. Portland, OR sent my shipment to Honolulu for a nice long trip and then back thru the system to Atlanta. I couldn't believe the tracking info as it was happening. I just had to keep a copy.


  • tracking HONOLULU 3.JPG
    tracking HONOLULU 3.JPG
    47.4 KB · Views: 26


Jul 10, 2003
No. But tonight do NOT look under your bed :eek:

As a kid we never looked under the bed or let our hands or feet dangle over the edge. There be monsters.

On a serious note. I am hoping there are way too many of us to monitor
everything we do.


Jul 18, 2022
Long Island
No. But tonight do NOT look under your bed :eek:

As a kid we never looked under the bed or let our hands or feet dangle over the edge. There be monsters.

On a serious note. I am hoping there are way too many of us to monitor
everything we do.
Don't mean to sound paranoid but nowadays computers do 99% of the work. Red flags pop up and onto to desks. The dolt humans only have to look at very little paperwork to know what doors to kick in.

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
Back around late 1965 through 1968 I worked at PCC; postal Concentration Center. To get the job I had to take a test. even for part time Christmas work. As it happened, at the end of the holiday season some were laid off and some converted to career permanent. I was one of the latter. PCC handled All the incoming and outgoing APO and FPO mail for the entire Pacific Region. Rincon Annex handled all the APO/FPO mail for the Atlantic Region.

It was a total cluster disaster even back then. Pot smoking hippies and blacks mostly, and while they did the work, one had to wonder. To their credit the blacks did the work with only a few that goofed off. The hippies on the other hand would disappear into the rest rooms to take a toke or two off a joint. There was a huge pile of mail in the middle of the floor in bags and the top of the pile was hollowed out and that's where the booze was. That though, was only during the Christmas season. Dollies full of boxes marked medical supplies were constantly broken in the search for stuff like thorazine which was wanted for those on bad LSD trips. Several foremen/ladies some good people, some not so good and one tyrant.

Even back then jobs in San Francisco were hard to get; at least decent paying jobs. You were either union or someone with the proper lever degree. The P.O. was pretty much the only thing that required neither and their level of pay was poor for a city like "Frisco".

About the only good thing I can say about the job is that's where I met the lady that became my second wife. Fifty-two good years before she passed on five years ago. I don't miss that job, but, I do miss her.
Paul B.


Aug 19, 2007
Moscow, Ks. Stevens Co.
This past year we mailed a Christmas present to our granddaughter ln Phoenix, AR. We mailed it on Dec, 7th. She finally got it the 3rd week in Jan. Our postal system is soooo screwed up with their BS regulations. We live in Moscow, Ks. If we want to mail a letter to someone in Moscow, it goes to Hugoton, 13 miles away, then to Amarillo, Tx. then back to Hugoton and finally back to Moscow. Bought a rifle on GB a few years ago, in New York. After 3 weeks called the seller. Yes, he had mailed it USPS. After 2 more months of the gun going all over the US, including back to the East coast, and up to Maine, then to Moscow, Idaho I finally received it. The box was heavily damaged, but the rifle was okay, thanks to the seller having packaged it very well in several layers of bubble wrap. Now that UPS appears to have went woke, we are for sure screwed. Can not ship ammo unless I drive 120 miles round trip to their distribution center. Cannot ship a gun unless you are a licensed dealer. Now they are also charging extra for long packages.
Nov 18, 2002
The living corpse of San Francisco Ca USA
Years ago, there was in my life an exquisitely beautiful woman. Tall, slender, intelligent and kind. We were lovers for a while, and friends for the rest of her life.
Later in life she developed a very active form of MS. As it ravaged her nervous system she became weaker and weaker until she finally became nearly completely paralyzed...
Near the end I visited her in hospital and found that she had become paranoid, fearful of people listening to her through the PA system, and fearful of the staff...seeing patterns where none existed. The MS was still doing its work.

Real paranoia is a scary, frightening thing.


Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
No. But tonight do NOT look under your bed :eek:

As a kid we never looked under the bed or let our hands or feet dangle over the edge. There be monsters.

On a serious note. I am hoping there are way too many of us to monitor
everything we do.

No such thing as too many of us to monitor. AI and massive server farms capture, store, and analyze terabytes of data (including video and audio uploaded from cell phones, and other sources) on an hourly basis, and they never sleep. People don't get alerted unless the AI flags something.
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Jul 10, 2003
No such thing as too many of us to monitor. AI and massive server farms capture, store, and analyze terabytes of data (including video and audio uploaded from cell phones, and other sources) on an hourly basis, and they never sleep. People don't get alerted unless the AI flags something.
I had high hopes I was right. But what you say makes sense.