Sports can be funny...

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Sparks, NV
Mar 2, 2022
Would like this thread to be about a funny thing while you were playing a sport, any sport. This happened to me...
I was the pitcher for the Comstock Casino city league softball team. During the game on a foul pop-up down the first base line, I went over to catch the ball, but got knocked down by the runner going to 1B. Everyone was concerned, but my dark glasses were busted up. On the next pitch, the same batter popped up again roughly in the same spot and as I went to catch it, I saw out of the corner of my eye the runner freeze at home plate thinking he was out. I decided to let the ball bounch then catch it. I turned to the batter and stared him down. Then ignoring my 1B man to toss it to him I slowly walked over to the bag and stepped on it. My team laughed at the batter as he was too chicken to try to blind-side me again. At the end of the game my whole team said that I pitched good. Unfortunately as well as I pitched, the opposing team would hit the ball to my players, but they couldn't field, not catch flies or threw to the wrong bases. Yes, I pitched real good, even though we lost 28-0. I still have my Comstock jersey and cap. The cap still fits, but alas, the jersey does not. I plan on giving it to my G'daughter.
So, any funny sports stories that happened to you or you were involved in?
Apr 2, 2014
Over the years there's been so many often times you sorta had to be there to fully appreciate it.
Recent one fit to post was at the Marine Corps Marathon. 2019 they did a 50K along with the marathon raining like crazy
at the start. About the 3-4 mile mark at the first aid station manned by Navy medical people was a BIG black guy in a tight
tee shirt wearing medical exam gloves with a big jar of Vaseline yelling "lubricant" every few seconds as runners went past.
Guys were all looking at him like "no ******* way". Same race at about the 20-22 mile mark they were passing out Vaseline
on Popsicle sticks, watched a woman in front of me take one and try to eat it!
Same event in the pouring rain an aid station with a bunch of none to bright Marines were serving some kind of muffins
to the 50k runners in really big muffin pans holding maybe 50-75 muffins each....yup the were all full of water....
Some good hockey ones but they'd loose a lot with the site moderation rules.
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Jan 10, 2005
Alexandria, LA USA
Does the time that we were playing frisbee count where I was thrown the frisbee and turned around to run to make ithe famous over the shoulder catch and ended up dead centering the stacked headlights on a 1967 Cadillac right between the legs. I walked around with blue balls for a week.
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Dec 25, 2007
Closest thing to a 'sports funny' I was a part of: Around 50 years ago the little community '4H FAIR' had what they called an "Anything Goes" competition for couples. Grouch Attack and I joined with two other local couples to participate. One of the obstacles involved everyone going over a 6' tall bale of hay. Since the wives were a bit height challenged, it was decided that the tallest man would go over first and the other two men would boost the women over. In practice, it worked fine but in real competition, the 'boosters' got a bit over zealous and we 'tossed' the first woman well beyond the 'catcher' on the far side. The second and third went over faster than the catcher could handle and all four ended up in a pile as we 'boosters' couldn't see what was happening. I was the last over the obstacle and landed face first in a rather compromising position with one of the other wives. Of course it made for a high level of hilarity for the audience which was the intent anyway. We won the competition BTW. :love:
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Apr 2, 2014
Waiting for a weld to cool...
Iron Mustangs a Detroit motorcycle club used to own property near Brighton Michigan and ran motocross races.
Nice track and the bikers could be pretty entertaining in their own way. Get there early Sunday mornings and
sign up is in the clubhouse often times the beer cans on the floor behind the bar would literally be close to knee deep.
Lead bike out one morning for practice come through a blind section to find a big fat naked biker chick squatting in
the middle of the track peeing, just shut off and rolled past, stifled the temptation to roost her.
Same track later date because I'd switched from the RM370 to a 1978 YZ400...crashed hard on a sweeping downhill
bike and self over or through a snow fence into biker spectators. Hit really hard and stunned a bit, brain starts to work again and I remember
thinking it was snowing.... bike landed on a couple of those old white Styrofoam coolers and they must have about exploded.
Ice, beer cans and Styrofoam everywhere, plus a few scattered bikers and lawn chairs.
Some chick with big boobs and a halter top ( remembered that part ) comes over while I'm still sorta on my hands and knees trying to remember my
name, opens a beer and hands it to me. Got up still wobbly then decided I'm done, shut the gas off on the bike sat down and drank a beer.
Girl friend at the time found me pretty quickly kicked back in somebody's lawn chair sitting in a pair of gym shorts with a pile of stripped off MX gear
sitting on the YZ.

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