What animal made this noise?

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Dec 25, 2007
I'm not sure but it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Living on the edge of 12-15K acres of basically uninhabited creek bottoms, I hear 'stuff' that isn't easily explained.
Some of the sounds did have a 'feline-ish' sound while others not so much. Other sounds could be a dog as might be expected in a neighborhood setting.

thor's daddy

Aug 15, 2014
If I'm seeing this correctly, that's a video played back on a home computer, captured as a video on a mobile phone, and posted to YouTube. That's a fair bit of downsampling there.

I'm probably not being very neighborly here, but I think some folks should just go outside once and a while.

edit to add: I used to trail run during my dinner breaks, which were at night. It's a wild world out there, but nothing one should be scared of.
Nov 18, 2002
The living corpse of San Francisco Ca USA
When I was in college my roommates and I had an "intact" tomcat that would make sounds like that when he was horny, which was most of the time. He would yowl down the lightwell of our building; the sounds were remarkably similar to those in that video. He did have a set of pipes on him!
I imagine a lynx or bobcat could sound like that....
Apr 4, 2009
China Spring TX
When I was in college my roommates and I had an "intact" tomcat that would make sounds like that when he was horny, which was most of the time. He would yowl down the lightwell of our building; the sounds were remarkably similar to those in that video. He did have a set of pipes on him!
I imagine a lynx or bobcat could sound like that....
It is amazing the range of sounds that a little bobcat can come out with. Everything from an 80s scream queen cry to someone from a demon possession horror movie. Then you see this small critter that is not huge.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Having spent most of my life in the woods & around wildlife,, I too have heard all kinds of noises. Many happen to be sounds not "normally" associated with what we THINK an animal makes.
In fact,, many animals have a larger vocabulary of sounds than we'd ever consider. Talk to people who use game calls to attract wild game.

With that,, I'd say if the sound was "clean" and unaltered by the recording devices,, I'd say that it's most likely a bobcat, and I agree,, very likely a male.
Jan 16, 2009
SE Michigan
No idea, but I don't think I'd go outside to have a look. We have a neighbor at our campground who has a deaf Boston terrier. That poor thing barks like a child screaming. I even warned new campers so they wouldn't think someone was being murdered.


Dec 4, 2021
I'm leaning towards a cat. Not discounting a dog.

We were hunting wild pigs (wife and I) and heard a screaming sound from down the canyon. We had to go through the canyon to our ride. We felt "OK" because I had my 300 Win W Mag. and a .45 Blackhawk and she had her 7x57 Mauser and a 357 Mag. When we got down, our buddy was so scared, he refused to unlock the door, so my wife could get it. We both had to ride in the bed back to camp.

I heard a mountain lion scream one night in a deer camp in Monterey County. Sounded like an insane woman being murdered with an ax (or, I suppose!!). Hear a jaguar cough as he followed us in Guatemala in'96. Itis not either of those.


May 29, 2003
Prob been 30 yrs bak, I would walk to my favorite spot to start Turkey hunting. Bout 1/2 mi and there was an old loggin crossroad, lil higher elevation and a great place to start

Sittin there one morn prob 40 mins before gobblin time. Sittn against big Pine, slight cool breeze and thoroughly enjoying good ML.

All of the sudden in a creek bottom 300 yds South something let out a squal that really got my attention. Lil bottom ran W to E. Maybe 5 mins passd and it squalled again

Ark GF always said there were no Cougar's, Panther's, etc. But with popularity of game camera's since then, there hav been quite a few pics of Cougar's taken and AGF has changed their stance on Cougar's
I will always believe that noise I heard was a Cougar squalling. Have never heard that noise again and kinda glad of it!!

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