Mental health

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Apr 4, 2009
China Spring TX
Ditto the lifetime of good jobs.

If you were a good employee, and were let go due to the insecure ego of a manager, chances are they are hurting worse than you are. It is their loss and you opportunity for gain.

I was involuntarily transferred out of a great job at age 52 by an incompetent jerk. He had to hire three guys to do my job. Not one after the other, but three at the same time.

I was pissed at first but it never hurt my self image, because I was doing great work and everyone (except the new manager) knew it.

A couple years into the new assignment, I decided to take early retirement. As it turns out, getting pushed out by a bozo was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Life is short. Don't spend it making a knucklehead look good.

Breathe, breathe in the air
Don't be afraid to care
Leave but don't leave me
Look around, choose your own ground

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be
That can be so true on them hurting worse. It is especially true, what the job was, what skills, how many can be found that can do the same and more so their work ethic whether it is a worker, a producer or merely an employee that is nothing but furniture playing on the internet or a phone. They can end up with the scenario of: Nobody here knows how "whatever" works, you were the only one who got it so we need... That is when you get to set the contracting conditions with nothing being done until everything is signed. Minimum charge is for 2 hours at whatever rate you want and you pay me whether I am there for hours or 5 minutes.


Dec 25, 2015
Western NC
Glad you found a job. After I got cancelled and we lost everything, we moved to NC because that's where my wife got a job. I thought I'd have no trouble getting a job - 1 full time and 2 part-time jobs for 20 years straight, who wouldn't want to hire Mr. Reliable and Trustworthy? Well, 2 months (and 50 applications) later I landed 2 jobs, but had to turn down the part-time one because they didn't operate on the two days I had off from the other one.

$8 an hour (in 2011) and had a manager that was an unsuccessful lawyer and was a few years younger than me. Seemed like he had frustrations he needed to take out on someone. I could let his treatment of me roll off my back, but the other employees were quite upset that he treated me like he did.

Was hoping to complete a certification in that field so I could move up, but ended up completing a different certification (same as my wife had gotten) and was hired the next day at her employer. The good Lord was certainly looking out for us!

Hang in there, and keep us posted. We're pulling for you!
Mar 25, 2024
NE Arizona
Protoolman trust me it will all work out. Been there done that. OMG where do I start. Very short story...I have always been the star employee, always. The last straw was at a large corporation where I was a star in the fast track program until a young HR woman came along that I did not get along with. She eventually worked to get me fired. Even my new boss didn't agree but it happened anyway.

It was devastating. I had never had a negative review, in fact as mentioned, I was on a fast track program for executive leadership roles. To which I had private corporate training. But she prevailed and I was fired with out severance after 25 years.

It was devastating. I spoke with many attorneys and executive friends and in the end decided to go my own way. In the end I worked another 15 years and retired.

In the end all is well. Yes I have been thru Xanax and buspirone (which I am still on), But I am now happily retired!


Oct 15, 2001
MN and MT
Well things moving fast for me so far. Got a job offer with a 12k raise a year over my old one and lots more potential. Owner said he wil raise that a 90 days based on how fast I learn what could be a several year journey. I may get to 67 yet if soc sec and the stock market don't crash.


Apr 17, 2002
Houston metro area, TX
Check with your local government and see what kind of mental health assistance they can provide or refer you to. You may be eligible for low or no-cost treatment, since you're unemployed.


Dec 4, 2021
Well things moving fast for me so far. Got a job offer with a 12k raise a year over my old one and lots more potential. Owner said he wil raise that a 90 days based on how fast I learn what could be a several year journey. I may get to 67 yet if soc sec and the stock market don't crash.

Excellent!!! Congratulations.


Jun 26, 2003
Well things moving fast for me so far. Got a job offer with a 12k raise a year over my old one and lots more potential. Owner said he wil raise that a 90 days based on how fast I learn what could be a several year journey. I may get to 67 yet if soc sec and the stock market don't crash.
CONGRATULATIONS........... doors do open.


Apr 9, 2023
Eastern NC
I lost a good job at 59. I got hired and worked as a manager at a car parts store until I could start SS. I hated the phones ringing all the time, the lazy employees and stupid, abusive customers, but the medical insurance was good, pay was steady and made it to the end of my working career with my health, my family and most of my toys.
You sound like you are on a good path. Never give up, never give in.