Reacher (Alan Richson) poops the bed.....

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Jun 2, 2006
I really wish some of you folks would get a life and leave the politics out of at least one post... so some actor said something really stupid.... my take is we all say something stupid on occasion, it's just that the stupid actor gets to say it louder because they are a celebrity..... who really cares..... but I do get the irony of it.... actually in one of the latter books when Reacher was still a Army cop.. at the end he just walks into the bad guy's house has a conversation with him and then shoots him in the head..... end of story.


Oct 15, 2023
How ironic.
He plays an former Army MP who commits multiple murders each episode.......yet bashes real life law enforcement, claiming "cops get away with murder all the time".
Good to know how he really feels. I was a fan of the show, even though Season 2 was lacking. No longer. I'll now never watch anything he's in.
Not very smart to alienate a large segment of his show's audience......or, former audience.

Certain Law Enforcement Officers do gets away with murder. It's a known fact.
2 police or deputies in my community let a 65 year old woman die in the back of the "paddy wagon" knowing that we was in physical destress.
It's really easy to find. Arizona's ABC15 TV station has investigative reporters who air stories about police corruption and results in government investigations, trials, and real penalties for these rogue officers. An agency in Arizona (IIRC) has a video program named "Fridays with Frank" that consistently shows an abusive LEO who intimidates, threatens, and abuses citizen as his normal manner of doing business.
Watching First Amendment auditor videos, it seems that Florida has a tremendous number of these rogue officers.
An example in our community is the ATF's killings at Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidian Complex (Wacom Texa), and the Little Rock Airport's Execution Director's killing.
While I do not know whar Reacher is refering to, I do know that I have seen videos and heard stories of LEOs abusing and even killing deaf people (who couldn't hear what the LEOs said and who were beaten for using sign language) and that scares me enough to find stickers to put on my car and to talk with the training officer for the local sheriff's department.
Without knowing what Reacher is talking about, I do know that police kill people regularly and murder sometimes (based on convictions).
Control mechanism to weed out rogue LEOs does not exist in our country.


Feb 18, 2018
Your ignorance on the matter of his statement of "cops get away with murder all the time" is quite remarkable. Your comments do not substantiate the actor's claim. You've picked & chosen a few incidents in your attempt to, but have not. Murder is defined as 'the unlawful, premeditated killing of one human being by another'. Negligence, such as failing to recognize that aid should be rendered to an individual in the back of a transport van, is not murder. An overbearing traffic cop has not committed murder by brow-beating motorists. As detestable as I & others found the deaths of Ruby Ridge & Waco to be, no agent involved was charged with murder, let alone convicted of it. A deaf pedestrian carrying an accurate representation of a rifle, that turned out later to be an air rifle, who was shot after repeated commands were given from his rear which he failed to comply with (because unbeknownst to the officer, he was deaf & unfortunately, was shot)......does not constitute murder. That officer was cleared of that incident. Logic would dictate that if one is deaf & chooses to amble out & about in the public while carrying what any normal person would interpret to be a real hunting rifle, one might be well served to either keep checking behind oneself to ensure that the local constabulary hasn't responded & is attempting to get you to ground your weapon as they make contact, or perhaps mark the rear of your shirt with large print declaring that you are carrying a air rifle & are deaf, please contact me within my direct field of vision if needed, etc. This may or may not be what you were referring to, or perhaps you meant a similar incident that occurred with an individual wearing earbuds while listening to loud music while ambling about on a public sidewalk while carrying an air rifle. Again, not murder. Or the deaf individual who jumped a rear fence, removed snowboarding equipment then left the scene on foot, who was later confronted by police from an onlooker's report of a suspected curtledge burglary & theft by an individual that was deaf, That fact was unknown to both the reporter or responding officers, who when the suspect refused to comply with commands of police, then violently resisted being handcuffed so the officers could conduct an investigation, was Tased & manhandled but never murdered. Do conflicting issues & miscommunications occur withing police work? Sure. As does in all fields. But your claim, as Richson's, that "cops get away with murder" is a fantasy. 'Getting away with murder' infers that the officer gets away with no consequences or punishment. Not true. Any officer that is suspected or charged with any degree of murder goes to trial, or takes a plea deal if offered but not reached before trial. It's not uncommon for a murder charge to be reduced or even dropped, as happens with civilians as well. Some are convicted, some are acquitted. Keep in mind that police officers are charged with murder at a substantially lower rate than the average public. Far lower. On average annually, there are 50 million interactions with the police by the public. Out of those 50 million, an average of 600 deaths occur with almost all being responses to deadly force that was initiated by the suspect. Others, as apparently as well as you, like to toss out stats that almost none of you have bothered to investigate to determine if the 'stats' are accurate, or simply rumor. Your assertion that a 'control mechanism to weed out rogue LEOs does not exist in our country' is also incorrect. Those mechanisms are known as Internal Affairs Divisions, Civilian Review Boards & Prosecutor's within the court system.
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Nov 9, 2022
We listened to Reacher on books on tape and then got interested in the Tom Cruise movies.I thought the new series was good as well. I normally don't read or watch this kind of stuff, preferring historical and technical books and movies. Childs and Richtson, good luck with giving the finger to seventy five percent of your audience.


Nov 9, 2022
I don't know much about Ruby Ridge, but its easy to understand the message, in that, nothing says fear me, like shooting in the head a mother holding a baby or shooting a 13 year old and his dog. Some of the recent Federal shootings could likely have been avoided, but that wouldn't have sent the message. I don't know anything about law enforcement beyond what a reasonable person would think or do, a real disadvantage.