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  1. Taterman

    Prehistoric canoe found in US lake

    Very cool story. I caught my very first muskie in that lake. *no, not in that canoe, I'm not that old yet (in case someone was going to be a wise guy)
  2. Taterman

    from the windswept plains

    Welcome aboard sir.
  3. Taterman

    Milwaukee? Beach vacation?

    Not sure about the beaches, but if possible try to go at the time of Milwaukee Fest. It's huge and they always have great bands throughout. Milwaukee is a fun town.
  4. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    Man, you're not kidding. Picked up at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday and dropped back off at 7:30a.m. Friday. Carb is cleaned (needle was clogged), oil changed, sharpened the blade and even added a shut off valve in the gas line. The total - $59.50 It rained so I didn't get to use it, but it started...
  5. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    Well the phone rang early this morning and it it was the Amish guy and his friend on the way to pick it up. I thought he forgot about me. He said it would be $25 to clean the carb which is pretty cheap. Hopefully he's able to get it running, we need some other work done and he could be a great...
  6. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    I've only used pure unleaded. Not sure what previous owners used.
  7. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    Me and my wife were able to push the mower into the garage and somehow it is completely out of gas again. It's totally dry under the hose I fixed so I have no idea where it all went. There was a sign a couple of miles down the road offering small engine repair so I went down the side street to...
  8. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    Thanks for the replies and advice guys, I appreciate it. I'll check the oil again, but I'll also try to find someone local to fix it. The grass is already very long and rain is coming.
  9. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    Well I fixed the leaking gas line and changed the fuel filter, and it actually started up. It ran rough though and a couple seconds later a ton of white smoke started pouring out of the exhaust. It made it about 30' and then died and now it won't start at all. I've only used pure unleaded with...
  10. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    That's what this mower has, an air cooled Briggs. Well I found the gas leak. One of the lines was slightly loose and I saw it dripping the last of the gallon and a half I added the day before. Right on the grass in behind the house. I got a hose clamp this morning to fix that and also a new fuel...
  11. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    Thanks Dave. I'm just not sure I have it in me.
  12. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    Thanks guys. I've never worked on a carb before so a may be out of luck on this. And Dave, it is the old Bolens I bought. The worst part is I don't know anyone who works on them since we just moved her a couple months ago and I don't even have a trailer to move it.
  13. Taterman

    I need to get a riding mower

    Well I actually ran the mower out of gas today, and after filling the tank it still won't start. Hours later it still smells like gas 20+ feet from it but I didn't see any leaks or spill even a drop of gas when I filled it. Any ideas? Could the fuel filter have gotten clogged from that?
  14. Taterman

    The new USPS mail delivery truck

    The new Solyndra.
  15. Taterman

    Hot Sauce Enthusiasts

    I like several, but this is by far my favorite. Perfect amount of heat for me.