Recent content by Mauser9

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  1. M

    What firearm have you owned the longest?

    Glad to hear your 1200 is up and running. Buddy had one bought around 69 new. Walnut and high polish for short money. Still got my Win.1300 Upland from 99. Never seen another with that straight english grip and prefer a pistol grip stock. Goin bye-bye soon for a Rem. 870.
  2. M

    What firearm have you owned the longest?

    Some great stories here! Miss my first 10/22 that was stolen. made in 1966 according to the serial. Walnut and metal innards I am sure all for around $47
  3. M

    How to keep grackles from

    My old Sheridan would have taken a few out.
  4. M

    Mike Venturino

    Recall so many that are now gone like Skeeter, son Bart, P O Ackley, Jordan, Elmer Keith. Enjoyed Rick Jamison articles but have not read anything from him recently. Shooting Times and Guns&Ammo have always been favorite reads.
  5. M

    Mike Venturino

    Enjoyed his articles on vintage lever actions from the past.
  6. M

    I swear I am done this time!!!

    Admire the bluing on those Ruger's. Seem to have a nice glossy look to them.
  7. M

    Prehistoric canoe found in US lake

    Love stories like this myself. Always fascinating to find discoveries from the past. Am sure a bit of real work want into it!!
  8. M

    Hurts like hell...💔

    They hold a special place in our hearts for sure. Sorry for your loss. Hope you get another soon as it helps ease the pain. It did for us.
  9. M

    Tornados Close to Home

    Been following all the tornadoes and bad weather in the west and mid west. Never heard of so many since April! So many deaths and injured folks it is heartbreaking. Property loss has been shocking. Feel deeply for the folks involved.
  10. M

    Photo Thread

    Thanks for the pics of those Pumas arfmel. White Hunter was always a favorite when I was young. I bought a Puma Skinner for under $30 back in 67 or 68 new. Marking on hilt has it made in Feb. of 1966. Older made puma are going for good money these days with the nickel-carbon blade.
  11. M

    Home insurance? Who is the best but cheap? Mine is going up 27%!

    Yeah seems all I read and hear is the high cost of home/auto insurance these days. Seems to have gone up greatly since hurricane Ian. So many Tornadoes this year already in the west and mid-west it is unreal.
  12. M

    Bragging on my youngest

    Good for you and your son. Stories like this make my day.
  13. M

    Howdy Folks ! form Peoples Republick of California

    Welcome. Fan of vintage and milsurps myself. Glad to have you aboard. I might suggest a section on Milsurps be added soon. They are sure a lucrative marked these days. not cheap either.
  14. M

    Ruger popularity rules the roost.....

    The Vaquero sure is a beauty. Always been a fan since my first 10/22 and now with my R/A 8323. Well built guns overall
  15. M

    Chinese knives

    For fishing use a Bubba Blade and keep that Benchmade or Emerson for real collecting!