Recent content by jimbo1096

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  1. jimbo1096

    Gone fishin'.........

    Did you catch them in the bay? What happens if you go over the line into Canada? Looks like you had a good day fishing. Any day fishing is a great day 👍
  2. jimbo1096

    I’m surrounded

    Most went just south from us. Power out several times for most of the night and again this morning. Large pine limb down in the driveway but no other damage. 70mph winds reported
  3. jimbo1096

    I’m surrounded

    By thunderstorms and tornado warnings. Got a lot of bad weather going on right now with two tornadoes suspected with one on the ground south of me. 70 mile an hour winds, but I'm kind of where the guy is which is not quite the bad spot.
  4. jimbo1096

    BP loads

    What about after shooting cleanup. Is there any special solvent or other materials needed to thoroughly clean a standard cartridge revolver when using black powder?
  5. jimbo1096

    Thoughts on Memorial Day

  6. jimbo1096

    Bronze Baby Shoes...

    Here are mine and my sisters. They were mounted on plaque originally but the wood is gone and I just have the shoes left.
  7. jimbo1096

    Memorial Day reflections

    Hindsight and maturity take so long in developing. God bless all out active and retired servicemen, veterans and KIA I hope this country will come to appreciate their service, commitment and sacrifices in making this country great.
  8. jimbo1096

    BP loads

    It was just a thought. When out target shooting at the range. I might like to try a couple of black powder loads to compare powder loads. Was wondering about a particular recipe
  9. jimbo1096

    Choose your poison

    When considering the question asked, it didn’t give a reason for the singularity of a single caliber. So my choice of the 45 colt is because I learned to shoot with one and is still the caliber I enjoy the most.
  10. jimbo1096

    BP loads

    Does anyone load a black powder to copy the type of ammo that they used back to 1870 - 80s Just thinking I’d like to try something like that without going the Old Army route. I’ve never dabble in the realm of black powder cartridge loading.
  11. jimbo1096

    Sports can be funny...

    Does the time that we were playing frisbee count where I was thrown the frisbee and turned around to run to make ithe famous over the shoulder catch and ended up dead centering the stacked headlights on a 1967 Cadillac right between the legs. I walked around with blue balls for a week.
  12. jimbo1096

    My Grandmother,

    Oldest member of my family was my aunt who lives in California. She passed away Thursday and we are burying her tomorrow. She was 92. I’ve got the attitude that if you have money and you want to spend it on yourself, there’s nothing wrong with it regardless of how old you are or what it is or...
  13. jimbo1096

    Well, I did it... taught a 2 day defensive handgun class

    Interesting video. Looks like y’all had a fun time and learned a lot.
  14. jimbo1096

    Some people just know how to react

    I’m passing that along
  15. jimbo1096

    How do you account for the resurgence in popularity of revolvers and lever action rifles?

    I would say the popularity of some of the newer series like Yellowstone deadwood and I can't The names of the others right now. The younger grow older they begin to realize the fun of shooting revolvers and rifles, especially the lever gun and as income grows, they begin to accumulate more...