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  1. Jeepnik

    Pepper Spray

    I’d be willing to bet that if the head of a policing organization head pepper sprayed at each training session their officers went through that policy would change. Sort of like military gas chambers it really doesn’t “teach” anything other than that you will be seriously impaired if exposed.
  2. Jeepnik

    Punny Stories........................

    Bob there is now. Words are constantly coming into our vocabulary. If folks understand what you mean when you use a “word” then it’s doing its job. So the word punny now exists as all here understand what message you were sending.
  3. Jeepnik

    Pepper Spray

    Here's one thing I've never understood. What idiot figured out that police officers need to be pepper sprayed and tazed in order to qualify for their use? Following that logic a recruit should be shot with a 9 mm handgun, shotgun and rifle to qualify in their use.
  4. Jeepnik

    How to keep grackles from

    You know, somewhere a deer cop is salivating over slapping the cuffs on us.:p:p:p
  5. Jeepnik

    Pepper Spray

    How about a crotch shot. I've gotten tea tree shampoo down there and that will light you up.
  6. Jeepnik

    Sweat/Rust While Hiking?

    Betcha spell check got ya.:)
  7. Jeepnik

    How to keep grackles from

    Sadly, my state limits you to a 10 magazine limit. :mad: I just realized that someone on this forum is bound to take me seriously. If they read most of what I write they'd know that's a huge mistake.
  8. Jeepnik

    How to keep grackles from

    We have birds that squawk all night. You can see them so area fire is the rule of the day.
  9. Jeepnik

    A couple ob bloopers, TV & movie

    No subliminal message there.
  10. Jeepnik


    Read somewhere once we swallow several spiders a day. When I’m feeling evil I think about telling my wife this. But cowardice always overrides my evil streak.
  11. Jeepnik

    A couple ob bloopers, TV & movie

    Frequently on TV a character will care a firearm clearly not authorized by their entity. But since most people have a hard time differentiating between a flintlock and an MG42 Hollywood gets away with it.
  12. Jeepnik

    Sweat/Rust While Hiking?

    Mike J is spot on. I can walk by a blued gun and rust spots occur. That’s the big reason I prefer stain less steel (they should never have combined the two words, it’s led to many erroneous conclusions). Appearance wise I much prefer blue steel and wood.
  13. Jeepnik

    Sweat/Rust While Hiking?

    Who mentioned “mortality”?
  14. Jeepnik

    Scout Rifle

    Don't know. But I doubt it as it's a Scout Squad model. What it's made of doesn't concern me. That it is accurate, reliable and chambered in a cartridge not based on a varmit round does.
  15. Jeepnik

    Sweat/Rust While Hiking?

    Ahh! The supposed moral superiority of the unwashed rural types erroneously raises its ugly head.

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