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  1. ChiefTJS

    Rugers original Single Six 32 H&R Magnum

    I have quite a bit of history with the H&R and some with the .327. I got out of it a while back and recently decided that was a stupid decision. I have a .327 SP101 but the Single Six is my favorite.
  2. ChiefTJS

    Rugers original Single Six 32 H&R Magnum

    I’m thinking I need to buy a place holder to take a little pressure off. Maybe a Single Seven
  3. ChiefTJS

    Rugers original Single Six 32 H&R Magnum

    Someday I’ll have one
  4. ChiefTJS

    Rugers original Single Six 32 H&R Magnum

    Xtratoy- if that’s the toy that’s xtra then you let me know.
  5. ChiefTJS

    Rugers original Single Six 32 H&R Magnum

    Let me know when you change your name to “NeedsLessStuff” and I’ll help you out!
  6. ChiefTJS

    Rugers original Single Six 32 H&R Magnum

    Yep, they're getting spendy.
  7. ChiefTJS

    Rugers original Single Six 32 H&R Magnum

    Currently on the hunt for a stainless, adjustable sight .32Mag Single Six with warning on the bottom. I think it was a run for Williams. Love the .32's
  8. ChiefTJS

    New Ruger on the way!

    Truly a wonderful revolver. The six inch is such a joy to shoot too.
  9. ChiefTJS

    22 hornet Redhawk

    I'm sure some folks will be salivating for it but I think they'd sell more to .357 mag nuts like me. Still waiting for my Blackhawk Hunter in .357mag too. Personally I'd prefer .38Spl but I'm willing to nod to the louder one for such a big gun.
  10. ChiefTJS

    GP100 10mm Questions

    Yep that's where they are, Gunbroker has plenty. Honestly the 10mmm has consumed me lately and I just need to back off. I have an M&P Performance Center 10mm and I should just concentrate on that for now. Shot my .357 Match Champion today and as always it was superb.
  11. ChiefTJS

    GP100 10mm Questions

    Hi all, considering a GP100 MC in 10mm. Anybody that owns one had any issues with bullet pull? How is it with 40 S&W, any issues with light strikes due to headspace? Accuracy? Thanks all, I’m kind of consumed with 10mm lately.
  12. ChiefTJS

    How are the 10mm SR1911’s

    Thanks guys. Good info.
  13. ChiefTJS

    How are the 10mm SR1911’s

    I finally took the plunge into the 10mm so looking for my next pistol. What’s everyone’s experience with SR1911 in 10mm? Anybody with high round counts? Do folks like the Bull barrel as opposed to traditional bushing? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
  14. ChiefTJS

    No shoot no more.

    Glad it worked out for you. I really like mine, I was about ready to get rid of it for a while as if it doesn’t like a particular brand it really doesn’t like it. I stick with what it likes and it’s a great little gun.