Some folks don't 'get it'

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Sparks, NV
Mar 2, 2022
ya'll stop it; az i sed b4, im a gude speler, i kan spel antidisestablishmentarianism, jus don aske me 2 spel supercalifrag...???

Jack Ryan

Aug 21, 2012
Growing up just about every adult male I knew was either a WWII or a Korean vet. More WWII vets than Korean.
Just about all of them called magazines , clips.
Personally , I could care less what you call it. Call it a bullet holder thing if you want.
I never understood why everyone gets so upset about it.
Nobody cared about it until the internet came around.
Now everyone is a seasoned professional and knows everything.
People who get all butt hurt and up in the air over it are for sure slick paper warriors.


Apr 29, 2023
I have added one extra "clip", so I have more "shells" should the heathen mob get stirred up and start causing trouble.
Yep,,, Sticks and stones,,, and words like clips and shells wont hurt me... but bullets do hurt,,, really badly, and explosivea,, yeah those arent good either,, no matter who threw them,,, strange to me though,,, how the civilian populace,,,, who decides policy and foreign affairs,,, seem to wash themselves clean of any responsibility for whom they sent me to fight. So,,,, yeah palestinians,,, you elected hamas (fair or not fairly) just like the US elected, deserves, and will receive the reckoning for our duly elected leadership (who also took prisoners/ hostages and jailed them without trial after Jan 6) because we either did wrong or didnt do enough to prevent wrong doing of very corrupt officials. Its almost like "Hamas wont attack me, cause Im the good American who supports them against Israeli depredations!!!!" (wish I could somehow type in Keanu Reeves "Bill and ted" accent) But you are fooling yourself,,, I have met them,,,, and they would kill you too if they could only reach you... prepare or dont prepare,,, but accept responsibility for your actions,,, cause you will pay the price and no army or police force is ever going to protect you. It isnt about who is cooler than anyone else,, all its about is proximity to hamas's reach, when they reach you,,,, they will attack


Dec 3, 2021
I have thought about this too. I can almost always produce a handgun in a few seconds but with a now walking grandson, most everything has to be locked up somehow. My #1 nightmare scenario is not a terrorist attack but it's on my list.

I've seen some videos of Israel where driving away from shooters was enough and some where somebody sure would have appreciated having a rifle. If I'm driving somewhere, I'm probably gonna get out and go inside someplace. So what do you do with your rifle? Everybody gets hysterical about leaving a gun in a car and if you lock it in some kind of vault, you won't be able to get to it in a timely manner.

The logistics of always having a handgun instantly available, much less a rifle, are considerable.

We are gonna pay a huge price for all of the unvetted people pouring across the border - we already are and it's gonna get worse. Most of it is gonna be financial and societal, but some of it may be downright dangerous. Very worrisome but I'm still going to get ice cream when I want it.
Last edited:
Nov 30, 2022
I have thought about this too. I can almost always produce a handgun in a few seconds but with a now walking grandson, most everything has to be locked up somehow. My #1 nightmare scenario is not a terrorist attack but it's on my list.

I've seen some videos of Israel where driving away from shooters was enough and some where somebody sure would have appreciated having a rifle. If I'm driving somewhere, I'm probably gonna get out and go inside someplace. So what do you do with your rifle? Everybody gets hysterical about leaving a gun in a car and if you lock it in some kind of vault, you won't be able to get to it in a timely manner.

The logistics of always having a handgun instantly available, much less a rifle are considerable.

We are gonna pay a huge price for all of the unvetted people pouring across the border - we already are and it's gonna get worse. Most of it is gonna be financial and societal, but some of it may be downright dangerous. Very worrisome but I'm still going to get ice cream when I want it.
I had a few "extra" vents high up on the wall where the kids couldn't reach. They had a sliding diffuser.

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
I don't think there might be a terrorist attack where I live, maybe downtown. Nothing in my hood but single family homes. However, there are two mosques here in town, one supposedly fairly near to the house and to other on the northeast side of town. The one to the northeast has a bunch of land and I've heard they conduct military style training there and the authorities just ignore them.
What does worry me is I have several doctors, all of which are Muslim. Not sure where two are from but my kidney doc is from Iran. Of all of them, if I wanted to party with, he'd be the one. He's one wild and crazy dude.
Me? I'm armed in some way 24/7 so I'm not all that afraid. I'm more worried about falling down and not being able to get up. Been there and done that once already. Embarassing as hell.
Paul B.