Bought A Car For My Wife

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Feb 22, 2007
Round Rock, Texas
Seeing this has now become a horn discussion I've got to ask if I'm the only one in the world that almost, OK pretty much
never use one? I get the point sorta of a warning ( sorta anyway ) but think the time spent going for the horn might be
better spent doing some kind of avoidance action. Maybe say brakes or steering, possibly accelerating?
Maybe if you're lurking in somebody's "blind spot" and they start to change lanes into you and you'd left yourself
no option. Of course you still have brakes or deceleration....
EDIT....damn I just had an idea...NASCAR should install horns, can you imagine the sound of it all in the last 5-10 laps?
I only use my horn to wake up the nimrods stopped in front of me at red lights who are either sleeping or looking down at their cellphones 5 or 10 seconds after the light has turned green.
Life is too short for me to sit there waiting for them to move on.

I have not used my horn to honk at other drivers doing something careless while moving.
Don't want to generate a road rage response, especially one that brings the jacketed lead.
I just take evasive action and move away from the bad drivers.

Mike J

Aug 5, 2007
Seeing this has now become a horn discussion I've got to ask if I'm the only one in the world that almost, OK pretty much
never use one? I get the point sorta of a warning ( sorta anyway ) but think the time spent going for the horn might be
better spent doing some kind of avoidance action. Maybe say brakes or steering, possibly accelerating?
Maybe if you're lurking in somebody's "blind spot" and they start to change lanes into you and you'd left yourself
no option. Of course you still have brakes or deceleration....
EDIT....damn I just had an idea...NASCAR should install horns, can you imagine the sound of it all in the last 5-10 laps?
I use a horn to wake people up in traffic. If I am passing someone & they suddenly drift into my lane, (not really a lane change just sloppy driving), I wake them up. Yes I take evasive action at the same time. It isn't an either or proposition. I do both at the same time. I picked up the habit of using the horn to make people aware I was there when I rode a motorcycle. Too many people do not pay attention.


Staff member
Jun 27, 2003
Near North Woods,MINN, USA
My Bride of some nearly 61 years has a 1996 Buick Roadmaster sedan.......Ir will turn 99K soon and when I , as well as she, had offers to purchase from some elderly fellows lusting after the similar car they once owned, She crisply told each that "you do not have enough money to buy MY car". She was asked by one of them today and she shut the conversation down........She also proclaims "that car is so fast it could get me in trouble".