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  1. Snake45

    A sacred cow of aviation led to slaughter: "Me 262: Why It Was Rubbish."

    Very entertaining! I couldn't find a single thing to take issue with, Thanks for posting it!
  2. Snake45

    Let's Have Some Fun... Post A Gun Related Meme, Or Tell A Gun Related Joke.

    If it wasn't registered before 1986, it CAN'T be restitered now, sorry.
  3. Snake45

    OJ Simpson has passed

    Thomas Sowell Clarence Thomas Allen West Tim Scott ...would make my list.
  4. Snake45

    House of the Rising Sun!!!

    Yes, "All Summer Long." And he gives full credit--I think the writing credit on it is like 12 or 15 names. :LOL:
  5. Snake45

    Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins

  6. Snake45

    Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins

    Mine too. I saw him in summer of '68 at Cecil County Dragway, along with numerous other Super Stock superstars, He was driving Grumpy's Toy III and IV, '67 and '68 Camaros, respectively. Later that fall, he'd introduce Grumpy's Toy V, a '68 Nova, at the NHRA Nationals.
  7. Snake45

    TV show "Black Sheep Squadron"

    The "money scene" from that episde turns out to be on U2be. The plot of the whole ep is lifted right out of a Clint Eastwood '60s-'70s Western. Hey, if yer gonna steal, steal from the BEST! ;) (y)
  8. Snake45

    House of the Rising Sun!!!

    No confusion to me, I recognize both instantly. The third tune in this "trilogy" is Steve Miller's "Take the Money and Run." If you can play the piano riff from Werewolves, you can sit at the piano and do a long medley of all three. Amaze your friends! ;)
  9. Snake45

    OJ Simpson has passed

    HAH! I successfully called these at Babylon Bee stories! I'm starting to get better at this game, ;) :LOL: (y)
  10. Snake45

    Beverly Hillbillies. Classic TV.

    WKRP always makes my personal "Ten Best Sitcoms of All Time" list, never higher than 3rd but never lower than 5th or 6th. ;)
  11. Snake45

    TV show "Black Sheep Squadron"

    Me too. He had a fabulous guest shot around 1979 or 1980 on Battlestar Galactica as a "space cowboy" of some sort--I think he was a rancher or a rancher's bouncer or something of that nature. Anyway, he was a real bully and got what was coming to him. I can't remember all the details--this WAS...
  12. Snake45

    OJ Simpson has passed

    The line is actually: Just as every cop is a criminal And all the sinners saints And then goes on to say: As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer 'Cause I'm in need of some restraint Pretty good description of the world today, isn't it? :oops:
  13. Snake45

    US Navy warship commander mocked for holding rifle with scope mounted backward

    That kinda says it all, don't it? Looks like they got the right guy for the job. I wonder if he graduated near the bottom of HIS Annapolis class, too? :LOL:
  14. Snake45

    House of the Rising Sun!!!

    Did you know that "Amazing Grace" can be sung to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun"? Strange but true. ;)