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  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to blume357's post in the thread Air Freshener with Like Like.
    Y'all know this post is about Bob wondering if he could make his home smell like a barn not about a stupid war that killed over a...
  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to TINCANBANDIT is back's post in the thread 22 caliber "kitguns" with Like Like.
    Here's mine, bought it for $80, Hi-Standard Sentinel 9-shot 22 revolver, aluminum frame.....looks ugly, but lock up and timing are perfect
  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to DGW1949's post in the thread Air Freshener with Like Like.
    It won't be over until we get our Constitution back, all of the Federal military installations move out of the South, States Rights are...
  • ole442
    ole442 replied to the thread Air Freshener.
    Might I suggest Ballistol as an air freshener! LOL!
  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to Fox Mike's post in the thread Air Freshener with Like Like.
    My son placed a pine scent deodorizer in the bathroom. I told him it really worked. Now it smells like someone crapped in a pine forest.
  • ole442
    We'd all probably be surprised if we knew just what we've eaten over the years!
  • ole442
    Sounds like a home brewed Wuhan! LOL!!
  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to Mobuck's post in the thread Be honest. Have you ever done this? with Like Like.
    You know it wasn't good when even the cats won't touch it. Sometimes the fridge looks like a penicillin lab with all the dishes growing...
  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to BULL'S-EYE's post in the thread Be honest. Have you ever done this? with Like Like.
    Nope. I always make a point of knowing exactly what I'm eating...Unless of course, I'm at Taco Bell. 🌮 🤔
  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to Bob Wright's post in the thread Only In Texas with Like Like.
    Old joke: "What is a zebra?" "The largest they make." Bob Wright
  • ole442
    ole442 replied to the thread Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins.
    In the early 1970's, I was standing next to the starting line at Kil Kare Drag strip with the original Grumpy's Toy Vega against Sox &...
  • ole442
    ole442 replied to the thread Gold and Silver.
    No matter how bad the economy gets, the scoundrels of the world will be more than willing to kill you for gold or silver. Paper money...
  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to Dave P.'s post in the thread Gold and Silver with Like Like.
    I'm in the camp of gold and silver only being of monetary value ( and really only of any use at all ) being dependent on society staying...
  • ole442
    ole442 reacted to FFguide's post in the thread Gold and Silver with Like Like.
    Many years ago as a young man while home on leave, I visited my Father at the homestead, I mentioned to him that I heard that gold was...
  • ole442
    ole442 replied to the thread OJ Simpson has passed.
    Saya feakin' nara!