Recent content by NC FNS

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  1. N

    Anyone use a Leatherman Wave?

    Not sure what leatherman comes with for a sheath these days, but my Gerber from about 20 years ago came with a cloth one. Didn’t last but a few years. Now I use mil-surp leather magazine holders from Germany. Fits almost perfectly and reminds me of my first Leatherman (from 1988 or so, I...
  2. N

    Washington: Cougar (4 legged kind) Video

    Impressive security cams!
  3. N

    Bunch of babies at the range.

    Better change the erl too. Someday I might shoot something of mine enough to have to replace a spring or other parts. Now that I think about it, had an AK where the bolt tail mushroomed so much that it took out the rear of the recoil spring, probably around 1,000 rounds through it. I’ve got...
  4. N

    Sick of Bias NEWS CRAP!

    Also, I find a good "detector" of bias is watching for when they are trying to make you think a certain way about something…or try to shame you into agreeing with them.
  5. N

    Sick of Bias NEWS CRAP!

    For many years, I watched/listened to as much news as I could, and read several newspapers on Sunday, and 1 or 2 each other day of the week. I’ll check out the link, as I’ve pretty much stopped with the biased outlets, and just use a few websites on a limited basis. As for the bias, yes, I’ve...
  6. N

    Lever action Rifle .44 mag or 45-70?

    If capacity matters, you’ll probably get more with the .44 mag.
  7. N


    Wouldn’t it be great if we could hit Hillary’s reset button and go back to phase 3?
  8. N

    What firearm have you owned the longest?

    Got my first pistol and rifle at the same time, but had to get a pistol permit from the sheriff’s office before I could take the pistol home. So my Ruger American Rifle in .243 is my first. Joined this forum shortly after.
  9. N

    Mental health

    Glad you found a job. After I got cancelled and we lost everything, we moved to NC because that’s where my wife got a job. I thought I’d have no trouble getting a job - 1 full time and 2 part-time jobs for 20 years straight, who wouldn’t want to hire Mr. Reliable and Trustworthy? Well, 2...
  10. N

    New Ruger Scout in 450 Bushmaster

    Enjoy! I remember my first shot with my Ranch in 450BM. Had my hearing protection in for the second shot…. Couldn’t have been shooting a .22 when I forgot, nooooooooo…..
  11. N

    Karma offering

    Nice! Put me in for the lighter ones please.
  12. N

    Well, it finally happened

    I was in a mexican restaurant in Bowling Green, and asked the waiter where he was from. He said, "Bowling Green" His mother was from Guatemala.
  13. N

    Ruger P Series pistols. How good are/were they?

    I think I spied a P-series in the wall art at a restaurant in Sedona…
  14. N

    Tennessee VW plant goes union

    I was canceled in large part due to a political union not liking my independent thought. Basically, I pissed them off by having a work ethic. Anything else I could say is pretty much reflected in what Contender said above.
  15. N


    There are some folks (liberals come to mind) that either like to impose their lifestyle upon others, or don’t give a crap about anyone or anything other than their next drug high and/or orgasm.