Recent content by KIR

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  1. KIR

    Book Recommendations

    You don't? I can't afford a proof reader, so I edit my own stuff. However, my reading audience has also offered suggestions, which I am always happy to read and possibly accept to improve my writings. Finally, what better else to read when I hit a roadblock? It's where I get my best ideas. While...
  2. KIR

    Book Recommendations

    I remember reading The Source a long time ago and it was/is a great read! During the early 70's, I read, the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It was advertised as the longest/thickest paperback book of its time, 500+ pages and was made because of a new binding process. Due to my duties it took...
  3. KIR


    When all else fails...HIGH EXPLOSIVES seem appropriate!
  4. KIR

    Lookin' for love in all the wrong places.

    Thankfully, not a cowboy...
  5. KIR

    Tornados Close to Home

    Hurricane season to begin next week...When things are bad, they can always get worse.:(
  6. KIR

    Lookin' for love in all the wrong places.

    Hey, I know where that is (the title of the thread...) Been there done something similar...
  7. KIR

    Prehistoric canoe found in US lake

    Many of our ancestors even here earlier. So far, the Olmecs from around southern Mexico. They were before the Mayans and Toltecs...
  8. KIR

    The aGr The Great Western "The Deputy" Single Action

    Just to mention his other exploits: Audie Murphy: Rebel in Whispering Smith: Joe Queen, his favorite of all. Rode Tumbleweed in the movie Tumbleweed. Photographed with Flying John (white boots on forelegs) and raced Apache Agent to 1st place in Owner-Trainer Pony Race at Del Mar Turf Club on...
  9. KIR

    Book Recommendations

    Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The Chinese or the Olmecs? According to DNA testing, there is Asian DNA in Native American in several civilizations in Hispanic America, but no Native American DNA in any Chinese peoples. Glad to see that others have heard/read of Menzies. Great minds...
  10. KIR

    Scout Rifle

    Burris 1 x 6 Scope with P.E.P.R. mount. Cal: .308 Tired olde eyes: Had to mount it further back.
  11. Ruger Gunsite Scout.JPG

    Ruger Gunsite Scout.JPG

  12. KIR

    Book Recommendations

    Gavin Menzies is a good author who wrote "1421, the Year China Discovered America"; 1434, The Year a Magnificent Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance; and "Who Discovered America?" These are truly fascinating books. Ever wonder why, when the conquistadores landed in the New World...
  13. KIR

    Bronze Baby Shoes...

    Just curious. I wonder if anybody still has their Bronzed Baby Shoes? I would show you a picture of mine, but they are tucked away in a box somewhere in the den/garage. If you still have yours, you are really old. I turned 81 on Memorial day, 2024!
  14. KIR

    Watching McLintock Today...

    Meanwhile, I watched "Angel and the Badman". Gail Russell never looked so beautiful when she appeared in that movie!!! One of the rare times she looked happy in the movie, otherwise she played at being sad through out most of it.
  15. KIR

    Hurts like hell...💔

    Ohhhhhhhhh... I just got mysty reading this thread... <sniff, sniff> :cry: