Recent content by gnappi

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  1. gnappi

    ammo checker: is it actually useful ?

    Whether it's "glocked" brass, a bad crimp, rim dent, or cracked case etc. an ammo checker will catch it where the gun barrel may, or may not if the defect winds up at the feed ramp. So, I have an ammo checker for every caliber I reload.
  2. gnappi

    Hoppes or Ballistol?

    When I was single I just about always had a 65/66 six cylinder Mustang engine on my kitchen table. My dad's barn had a few whole Mustangs as parts cows.
  3. gnappi

    How Many Magazines?

    On another at home thought, I do have an old SxS 12 gauge in my bedroom :)
  4. gnappi

    How Many Magazines?

    Agreed. One 9 round .38 super or 8 round .357 sig mag in the gun.
  5. gnappi


    I carry because I have been threatened, chased, and run off the road.
  6. gnappi

    Which old time gun writer?

    Funny... today he'd be sued for hurting someone's feelings. I was in a gun store and I overheard a snippet of conversation between a salesman and a lady customer... "I don't like drag races" and I said "How do they run in those high heels" Everyone in earshot cracked up,
  7. gnappi

    Gold and Silver

    When I bought my house some 15-16 years ago gold was ~$600 per ounce, even then I thought it was crazy!
  8. gnappi

    Linux Mint to Debian users?

    It makes good sense to me. Did they negotiate a cost reduced bare bones (no O/S installed) type of hardware purchase deal or just wipe the MS stuff from the installed base? I think that if I dropped a Linux machine in front of 10,000 office workers who do spreadsheets, word processing...
  9. gnappi

    Linux Mint to Debian users?

    >>SNIP<< Not once did I mention anything about Win and Lin in my OP. Dunno how you got that if so, mea culpa
  10. gnappi

    Black rifles on magazine shelves?

    In the gun world black is THE topic. From Glock to AR's if someone wanted to know something about them the net is a better, albeit maybe a slightly biased place for info :-)
  11. gnappi

    Linux Mint to Debian users?

    Better may be the most overused and combative word in English and I can understand someone who uses Windows and doesn't "get" anything else. It's a Ford / Chevy thing and you'll note I said nothing disparaging about MS or folks who use their stuff in this thread, nor did I want to start a this...
  12. gnappi

    Linux Mint to Debian users?

    After these several years being a Mint user, the honeymoon is getting old for Mint. I've been happily using Linux Mint since version 19 (2019) and have recently been running 21.3. The thing about it is many of the most improved applications are going over to flatpack (FP) and the program files...
  13. gnappi

    Redhawk accuracy

    Getting banned on some sites is no sin. Some players like to start an argument skirting the edge of etiquette so they themselves don't get banned while drawing another into verbal combat and getting banned. :-) What motivates that stupidity baffles me. I read Contender's replies on this and...
  14. gnappi

    AR question

    I also like nickle boron. Ah the days when you could get a BCG on Ebay!
  15. gnappi

    Florida flooding

    Lot of rain, the grass and fruit trees got a good drink and the water table below hopefully got a big boost. I'm fortunately high and dry in the western area away from the coast, Miami, Hollywood were slammed.

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